Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Boxing Match

Last week we had a couple deliveries, which included a weed whacker since our old one broke. The box that it came in was thrilling to the boys! Joshua climbed right in. Then he started putting toys from his Toy Story bag (thanks, Miss Suzy!) into the box to tote them around. Eventually the box made its way into the office/play room, where everything else we own has seemed to accumulate. We also have boxes of baby toys we got out for Ryan in there, etc. Caleb took a box that Mamaw had brought over with things from BJs up to put his toys from his bag into. They were having a blast!
Those boxes came in truly handy on Tuesday when I got a migraine. My morning started off fine, and then all the sudden my vision started going blurry and I felt the pounding in my head. I knew what was coming next - nausea. Any noise was unbearable and light literally hurt my eyes. I dug out my migraine medicine and tried to read the label to see if I could take it while I was nursing. I couldn't see well enough to decipher, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to feed the baby if I didn't take some immediately. So, I did. And I must say that the boys were ANGELS that day. They played in their boxes most of the day, honestly, without any fighting or any major catastrophes. I knew my mom had plans for the day, my dad was in GA, and Shawn had very important meetings all day at work, etc. So, I was on my own, sick or not. But, the kids were wonderful. Looking back, I could have called our babysitter to see if she was available, but I didn't even think about it when I was feeling that sick. Eventually the medication took hold and my headache went down to a low roar. I was grateful when Shawn came home that night! I think it was a mixture of hormones, extreme exhaustion, probably a little bit of "overdoing it" (as Shawn often tells me), and dehydration as I need to increase how much water I'm drinking since I'm nursing and playing out in the heat with the little guys. But, at any rate, I was glad that the boys had their boxes and that they were SO well-behaved that day. I can't say how well all three boys were acting. Praise God!
The boys pretended their boxes were trains, then they were cars, then they were toy holders, and they would trade boxes back and forth, switching their toys back to their bags to put them in the other box. At one point I asked Caleb, "Is that your train?" and he replied "Nope, I'm in my box!" Haaa!!!

I'm glad that I have "GOOD" boys! While there are days that they test my patience (and they seem to be pushing the boundaries since the baby came home!), they seemed to know when I really needed them to be good and they did amazingly well. Thank you, Lord!

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