Friday, April 3, 2009

What can you do in six months?

Newborn - look how small he is compared to the smallest premie diaper on the market. He was a whopping 3 lbs 2 oz. at his smallest...
Within six months, he had chunked right up! He weighed 17 lbs 7 oz at this time, and jumped into the 50th percentile for weight, even with his reflux (which we discovered right around here).By his first birthday, he could crawl and stand on his own. He was changing from that infant look more to toddler.
By a year and a half, he not only walked, he ran! His looks were really changing as his hair began to grow finally!
By two, he had become Mr. Personality, making us all smile and downright laugh sometimes. He also had become a big brother!And, here he is today, looking bigger than ever! We also noticed he desperately needs a haircut! Haaa!!!What a difference six months can make. Do you need something to change in your life? Try something new for six months, and see what a difference God can make in that time!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love this post! When you think like that, it really is crazy waht happens in such a short amount of time! I might have to steal this idea some day! :)