Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Caleb's 9-month well-check

This past weekend I graded papers until I could barely see straight from boredom. But, thankfully I'm finished with them and only have to update my final exam and finish final grades before the end of the semester, which will be done the last week of April. Yesterday Daddy had off work, and last night Grandma & Grandpa Ginder asked if Joshua could spent the night with them in their bed & breakfast apartment. We said okay since Joshua enjoys spending quality time with them, even though I missed him like crazy (I was able to call and say goodnight after class, which was nice). With him being gone and in good hands, I was able to take Caleb to his doctor's appointment by himself this morning. Caleb's stats are:

Weight: 19 pounds 6 ounces - 40th percentile
Height: 28" - 45th percentile
Head Circ: 18" - 60th percentile

His percentiles are certainly changing. They said he didn't get any taller since his last visit (which is difficult to measure) and his weight percentile has dropped. He is on the go constantly, though, and I remember Joshua slimming down once he was walking. Still, we're concerned about his eating. Dr. Reilly said some kids are weird about textures in their mouth, so hopefully he'll outgrow that awful sensation. She also said that the new theory suggests that kids can have anything (even peanut butter, fish, eggs and some dairy - no milk yet) as long as the parents watch them like a halk after the first time to make sure they don't break out into hives or have a severe allergic reaction. She suggested we do this soon just in case he would ever grab anything from big brother, and to make sure we really, really watch him after his first few times of having it.

Caleb also has some eczema (sp?) on his skin that I need to buy some Aquafore ointment for since lotion alone isn't helping all that much. She thinks his skin is just a little sensitive. Finally, and the most important question I had today - Caleb's newest front tooth is broken. It took us both holding him down to get a close look at it, and she suspects he was born with it broken and it didn't happen from any fall or injury. She suggested we call a pediatric dentist after he turns a year old to have it investigated. Since it does seem sensitive (he's not unhappy in general, but he doesn't like when we touch in his mouth), I called when I left there to get the dentist's expert opinion of when he should be seen. The answer? Wednesday, April 22, at 5 pm (their soonest appointment when I don't have school). Please pray that Caleb's okay and not in pain and that it's not an 'issue'!

Also pray that Caleb starts eating better and is in a good percentile for height & weight for him. These things drive me crazy, and the pediatrician told me that he looks healthy and that I shouldn't be concerned about it at all. I will rest in the fact that God loves Caleb even more than I do (hard to imagine!) and He will take care of our bubba.

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