Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Reflections

I remember someone at our worship conference in January 2007 calling this the year of completion. On the seventh day, God rested. I think we saw 'completion' in many different ways this year. We saw an end to the earthly life of Jamie, Grandpa Kennel & Uncle Vernon and with that an end to their sicknesses and ailments. I'm believing that 2007 was an end to all of Joshua's sickness, too. We have some follow-up doctor's appointments scheduled, but I see Joshua growing and thriving now.
This was a big year for Joshua. He got his first teeth, started sitting up on his own, began crawling, started cruising, learned how to eat solid foods, stopped drinking from a bottle, started 'talking' and many other amazing accomplishments. Last night as I was rocking him to sleep, I was in awe at how big he is now. His cheek was resting on my shoulder and his head was above it, yet his feet (even though he was curled up) were still off the edge of the chair. This is a far cry from the 3 lb 4 oz baby I once held...I'm so grateful for the Bean.
This year, Shawn & I found out we're going to welcome another child into the world. We also started renovating our house, which will hopefully be finished in early 2008. We also took a step of faith and purchased our first investment property this year. Together we've experienced great joy, great sorrow, shear exhaustion, moments of triumph, moments of laughter, moments of tears, and every emotion in between. Thankfully, we've experienced these things together as a team. I'm so thankful for my amazing husband.
As I reflect on this past year, I have to thank the Lord for his unending faithfulness. He has provided us with a job for Shawn & side jobs for me that have worked out well so I could stay home with Joshua. I never imagined I'd be able to stay home and take care of our little boy, and God has faithfully provided for our family. I'm thankful for my teaching opportunity at MU and for being able to write, which I truly enjoy. I'm thankful for our home, for our little family of three and a third, our extended family, our friends and our church. As I was singing Joshua to sleep last night and praising God, I realized that most of all, I'm thankful for a Creator who loves us, has our best in mind, who called us by name, who has chosen us, who has told us we don't need to worry because He will take care of us, and who has given everything so that we might have eternal life and abundant life here on earth. I have wonderful memories from 2007 and look forward to an incredible 2008...

Boisterous Bully???

Yesterday in church, Joshua made his friend Austin (who's Bean's age) cry. We always sit in the back row of church - which makes for a quick escape when necessary - next to my friend Jasmine and her son Austin and their entire family. Austin & Joshua normally have fun together, playing with each other's toys and enjoying each other's snacks.

Yesterday, however, Joshua pointed at Austin and shouted in a very loud voice "BAH!" Poor Austin burst into tears and went running to his aunt since his mom was on the worship team. I felt so bad. What Austin didn't know was that Joshua was doing that in his honor. I'm not sure what "BAH!" means, but Joshua says that when he sees our Christmas tree light up or anything else particularly pretty or intriguing to him. But, I can see where Austin's feelings got hurt by his friend pointing and shouting at him. I apologized for making him so upset - poor little one!

Joshua was very offended that his friend ran away from him crying and he tried to follow him, shrieking. I picked up the Bean and tried to explain that we don't shout at people, and that we don't scream in church in general. There's so much to learn when you're only one!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The "After-Bath"

After Joshua's haircut, he went straight into the tub. He put all three of his "football frogs" in a row on the tub and then laughed at them. My favorite thing that he's doing now is saying "bye-bye" as he waves. Anytime we grab his coat, our keys or go to the leave the room, he says 'bye!' and starts to wave. When he was talking to my mom on the phone the other day, she said "bye!" and he started to wave. I went to the gym the other afternoon and as soon as he saw me coming to the KidZone, he looked at the worker he had been playing with and waved and shouted "BYE!" as he came over to me. Soooo cute! He also says 'no, no, no' altogether in a little scolding voice, and of course "more, more, more!" to food. He's getting more of the 'r' sound on his 'mow' and there's no mistaking what he wants. We walk hand 'n hand now, but he still drops to his knees when we let go. I can just tell it's going to be soon that he takes off. he RUNS with his walker toys. Silly Bean!
He's also become a climber in the last few days to week or so. He climbs up, Up, UP everything! Today he figured out how to move our popcorn tin over to the couch to climb onto it to climb onto the couch and started climbing up the back til I grabbed him and tickled him all over, saying he's too smart and too fast for us. He loves climbing up the fireplace, entertainment center and anything else that looks high. He was standing on top of two boxes Daddy had in the office before they toppled. He didn't seem to mind, but it gives me and Daddy a heart attack. He's also getting into everything. He's figured out how to lift the lid of the toilet seat and would love to splash in the water, if we'd let him (which we don't, of course). He can open our new closet doors to pull things out, and he's just about figured out how to turn knobs to open doors. Every once in awhile he's coordinated enough to turn and push at the same time. He loves to turn TV's off and on and look into things...just to explore. Shawn and I are learning how to be consistent ourselves and with each other's standards on what we allow him to explore just to learn and what's off limits no matter what. Parenting is the hardest job in the world, but by far the most rewarding. When I see his little cheesy grin, or he snuggles up for a hug, it's all worth it. There's so much more he's been doing and learning...I really must post things sooner as I think of them or see them. Well, it's time for bed so we can get some much needed rest before church tomorrow morning. Good night!

Baby Good Turns 13 Weeks Old

The following information is taken from StorkNet's Pregnancy Week-by-Week Guide:

Fetal Development:
As our baby continues to develop, the vocal cords begin to form. The face is looking more and more human each day as the eyes begin to move closer together instead of being on the sides of the head and the ears move to a normal position. It would be possible now to determine the baby's sex by looking at the genitals if we could only get close enough. (We usually can't "guess" via ultrasound until around the 16th week.) The intestines move farther into the baby's body; the liver begins to secrete bile and the pancreas begins to produce insulin. A very busy week indeed!

Maternal Changes:
Welcome to the second trimester! This is the most comfortable and enjoyable stage of pregnancy. Most of the difficult early symptoms are over (or soon will be), and your tummy isn't getting in the way yet. If you're still feeling tired, listen to your body and REST. It's working hard right now!

As your uterus stretches, you may feel some abdominal achiness. The ligaments that hold up your uterus stretch to accommodate your growing uterus. This is called "round ligament pain".

Locks of Love

Joshua's first haircut took place Saturday, December 29, just after 8 p.m. I have his first little 'locks' saved in a plastic baggy. Here are some before pictures...
We started by putting him in the bathroom sink so that he was up high enough and we could keep him steady. What does he do first thing? Turns on the water, of course! BEAN! He then reached for the soap and anything else that he wasn't supposed to have, so I quickly grabbed his nearby bath toys and other things to keep his mind and hands occupied. He did NOT like the haircut. I think it must have tickled because he kept moving his head like he does when we tickle him. He did pretty well overall, and he sat still more when I praised him and told him just how handsome he looked and what an awesome job he was doing sitting still for Dad-da. I think Shawn had the hardest time around Joshua's ears. He started with actual scissors and when the Bean kept moving, he went straight for his shaver/clippers. Here's the after pictures...

After we were all done (other than a pile of soft hair to clean up), I got a little teary. My baby is growing up so fast...he looks like such a big boy now! And so handsome!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Day After

Yesterday was Jamie's burial or 'interment' at National Indiantown Gap Cemetary. I was amused by the processional to get there - the funeral director in the lead car didn't wait for traffic lights or anything; he just waved his flag and took up the intersection and we all followed. After we got there, Pastor Titus Kauffman from Petra read a few scripture verses, the color guard fired their guns, a man played 'taps' on his trumpet, and two active duty military men did the flag ceremony that they gave to mom. It was quite nice and made everything more 'final.' Afterward, Shawn & I drove back to the house so we could get some work done before we met Mom, her friend Connie, and my sisters and Mike at Isaacs for lunch.

Nonie came to pick up Joshua in the morning so we could go, which was very nice of her. We picked up Joshua, and she said he was very good all day. He took two longer naps and played nicely, which is always nice to hear. Jordon stopped by while we were there, and he was snapping pictures with the new kid's camera we got him. I'm so glad he's enjoying it.

Last night we made left overs for dinner, I talked to my Dad on the phone and we had a little time to play and relax from a busy weekend. It was a sad day today that Shawn had to go back to work after having the time off for the funeral services, which I really appreciated his work being so understanding about. I'm glad that he's only gone today and tomorrow before being home on Saturday. I miss him!

Christmas Festivities Part Three

After we left Nonie & Poppy's house Christmas Eve, we decided to go shopping for some last minute things we needed for the Bean and each other. With all the craziness, we had put ourselves last. After we had finished, we all went home for naps, Shawn picked up a pizza from Papa John's and we relaxed that night until it was time for Shawn to head out for the 11 pm Christmas Eve candle lighting service at church (since he was running the A/V for it). Joshua was already in bed, so I stayed up wrapping gifts and cleaning our house in preparation for the next day's events. When Shawn got home after midnight, he told me about the service and how good it was and we spent some more time together before calling it a night. Between my nap, drinking some caffeine, and getting a second (or third) wind, I was wide awake!
We woke up Christmas morning, and Shawn still had some wrapping to do for gifts he had gotten me. So, I made us breakfast of french toast, eggs, bacon and fruit. After we enjoyed breakfast, we took our gifts down to the family room to open them since that's where our stockings were hanging by the fireplace. We started with Joshua's stocking and moved on to ours. Then, we opened our gifts (thanks, Shawn & Joshua for your sweet gifts to me! You are both the best gifts I could ever ask for!). Joshua was just starting to get the hang of unwrapping presents. We would say "pull" after we started the package for him, and he would tear off a small fist full of paper and proudly hand it to us. He continued pulling these small fist fulls until we would tear bigger sections for him to pull off. Then we we would all clap (including Joshua) when the gift was unwrapped. He was sooo cute!
After we were done opening gifts, we put Joshua down for a nap and I cleaned up the house while Shawn slept, too. I then got out my red chargers and poinsetta dishes while Shawn put the leaf in our table and set up the additional card table in preparation for my family coming over. I was starting to peel potatoes and fix Joshua some lunch when my mom arrived with all her packages and homemade dinner rolls. Not long thereafter, my sister Becky & her husband Tim arrived with the haml0af and sparkling cider. Soon Jen's entire crew came with pineapple stuffing and cheesecake. The girls were so excited to open Grandma's gifts! We also taught them how to use a spoon to get mixed nuts out of our community dish...they were cute and wound up.We had a nice time, and after we opened gifts, we all sat down to dinner. My mashed potatoes got cold, and I had forgotten to stick the veggies in on time, but everything tasted delicious and the sparkling cider was a nice touch. Afterward, I made a pot of coffee and hot tea for me, and we ate the chocolate chip cheesecake. We finished clearing the table and getting the dishes into the dishwasher and called it a night. After putting a cranky Joshua in bed, Shawn & I curled up with our "Mildred" blanket in the family room and watched a movie...a relaxing end to a busy yet wonderful day.

Christmas Festivities Part Two

I was up off and on throughout the night Sunday night with my cough, so Shawn let me sleep in Monday morning while he played with Joshua. Unfortunately, it made us a little late for Nonie & Poppy's Christmas gathering in Berks County. They were very sweet to change their Christmas plans from Saturday morning to Monday morning for us, and they attended the funeral services. We gathered up our packages and headed to Reading for Christmas brunch. We ate waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, toast, cream chipped beef, fruit, donuts, juice & more! It was delicious...and we were all stuffed as we went to open gifts.

Jordon opened our gifts first, and he said "my favorite!" when he opened the Star Wars DVD, "just what I always wanted!" to the purple Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle we searched high and low to find and then "this is my best year EVER!" to the digital camera we got him. It was sooo cute! Here's Joshua & Jordon in Jordon's new sled.The picture below is of Joshua playing with his new stacker toys with Aunt Hilary (thanks, Brian & Gayle!). After we all finished opening gifts, we played Texas Hold 'Em while Joshua napped and Kevin won by a small margin when we all went all in at the end. That was my first time playing that game, and it was fun! Thanks everyone for a great time!

Christmas Festivities Part One

Friday evening, December 21, was the viewing for Jamie. We got to see lots of wonderful, sweet people and thank them for the support they've shown Mom & Jamie. We also learned that evening that Jamie's brother Charlie who had come up from Myrtle Beach, SC, had a stroke that morning after arriving in Lancaster and was in the ICU at Lancaster General Hospital. He has some blocked arteries and is paralyzed on one side - please pray for him and his wife Rose. Thursday night, Missy was kind enough to watch Joshua for us and he had a great time with her and her puppies. When we got there, Joshua took six steps in a row to get to Daddy without any help!Aunt Erica came down and spent the night at our house Friday night to watch Joshua for us on Saturday morning while we attended the funeral. Shawn ran the A/V equipment, and the powerpoint turned out nicely. The entire service was really lovely, and it was followed by a catered lunch at the church. Afterward, we went home and saw Grandma & Granpda Ginder at our house with Erica & the Bean. When they left, we took a nap and then headed to Lititz Family Cupboard for Grandma Dziedzich's Christmas gathering. Joshua looked so cute in his Rudolph shirt, and he ate pretty well there.Sunday morning, we got dressed up and headed to church. Joshua wore his Christmas outfit that Grandma & Grandpa Ginder had bought him - a white dress shirt, black pin-striped pants, and a red velvet-like vest. He looked sooooo adorable. At church that morning was the Christmas play, which Joshua only sat through half of until he was too tired and too restless to sit still any more. Daddy took him home (we had driven separately since Shawn had to be there early for A/V reasons), and I stayed until the play was finished. I left during worship to give Shawn enough time to go back in for the Christmas Eve service meeting. Meanwhile Joshua was still napping, so I nodded off myself. I've had the worst cold the past week or so, and extra rest was exactly what I needed to feel more like myself. When Shawn came home, we spent a little time together before heading off to Aunt Missy's house for the Ginder's Family Christmas Gathering. Joshua opens his Redskins pillow...he also received an activity workbench, a step stool to stand on so he can brush his teeth, some clothing, a computer learning toy, a toothbrush and tub windup toy and other nice gifts. What he really wanted to play with, though, was the dumptruck Grant received. So, Shawn & I ended up going out on Christmas Eve and buying Joshua one since he liked it so much. In the pictures below, Joshua poses with Aunt Erica & Grant in a Santa Hat Brian & Gayle brought...While we were there, Joshua walked around quite a bit holding onto people's hands. Normally unless it's a walker toy, he drops to his knees right away. But, he walked with only one hand holding onto Grandma Ginder throughout Missy's house. Way to go!What a cute little Bean! He was sooo tired by the end of the night, but we had a fun time. Thanks, everyone, for the gifts!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Funeral Arrangements & Obituary

The viewing will be held at Petra Christian Fellowship, 565 Airport Road, New Holland, PA 17557 this coming Friday, December 21, from 6 to 8 pm. The funeral will also be held at the church on Saturday, December 22, at 10:30 am with viewing an hour prior. Burial will be at Indiantown Gap National Cemetary on Wednesday, December 26. Please keep Mom and Jamie's entire family in your prayers. We are all so grateful he is no longer suffering and completely at peace...

James D. Harnish - Home for Christmas
Published: Dec 20, 2007 EST
James (Jamie) Harnish died Dec. 19, 2007 at his home in Leola after fighting a courageous battle against brain cancer. He is now home for Christmas. Born April 30, 1950 in Lancaster, he was a son of Alberta (Feldser) Harnish of Lancaster and the late Charles Harnish. He married Cheryl Moore Doane on Feb. 14, 2001.
A graduate of McCaskey High School and a Vietnam Vet, Jamie served in the US Navy from 1968 to 1972 as a gunners mate on the USS Long Beach. After his discharge, he was hired as a mailhandler at the Lancaster Post Office, retiring in Aug. 2007 due to his illness.
A devoted Phillies fan, he attended his last game in September. Jamie was an excellent cook and believed in buying food fresh to support local farmers. He was also an avid runner, running the Boston Marathon on its 100-year anniversary as well as other triatholons and marathons. He and his wife attended Petra Christian Fellowship.
In addition to his wife and mother, he is survived by five sisters: Elsie, widow of Bob Spayd, Lancaster; Bertie, wife of Phil Fisher, Peach Bottom; Charlotte, wife of Gary Elliott, Tuscon, AZ; Sandy, wife of John Loyd, Clinton, IA; and Pauline, wife of James Burrus, Houston, TX; and three brothers: Marty, husband of Debby, Lancaster; Charlie, husband of Rose, Myrtle Beach, SC; and Steve, husband of Shelly, Myrtle Beach, SC. He was preceded in death by his father and a sister, Kathleen. Jamie is survived by his two daughters, Megan Huaman and Taryn English, both of Lancaster; and three stepdaughters: Jen, wife of Mike McGowan, Lancaster, Becky, wife of Tim Ingold, Leola, and Valerie, wife of Shawn Good, Lancaster. "Grandpa Jamie" was an extremely loving grandfather to Grace, Faith, Emma and Daniel McGowan, Joshua Good, and Riely Huaman.
A viewing will be held at Petra Christian Fellowship, 565 Airport Road, New Holland, from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, December 21. The funeral will also take place there on Saturday, December 22, at 10:30 a.m. with Pastor Titus Kauffman officiating, with a viewing one hour before services. Burial will be at Indiantown Gap National Cemetery on Wednesday, December 26.
The family would like to thank the Orange team from Hospice, especially nurses Steve and Mike, who helped Cheryl lovingly care for Jamie in his final months. If desired, memorial contributions can be made to Hospice of Lancaster County, PO Box 4125, Lancaster, PA 17604 or Petra Christian Fellowship, 565 Airport Road, New Holland, PA 17557. Furman Home for Funerals, Leola.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It Is Finished

Mom called around 1:15 pm today to say that Jamie had just passed on from this life to the next. We are grateful that the Lord took Jamie home since he was suffering, but it is still a sad time. Please keep my mom and the rest of Jamie's family in your prayers. Services are tentatively going to be Friday evening viewing and Saturday morning funeral.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Home for Christmas

Mom told me that the Hospice nurse gave Jamie hours this morning (to possibly days at most) since Jamie's cold, his skin looks a little different and he's not really eating or drinking and sleeping most of the day away. I think Mom & Jamie are both ready, but please keep them in your prayers. Jamie may be Home for Christmas...

Baby Good Turns 11 Weeks Old (Gestation)

This morning I had my first "real" doctor's appointment with Dr. Jones at Lancaster Physicians for Women. I really like her, and she took a lot of time with me to explain the answers to questions I had. She's also the one that had told me to come into the hospital when I called in to say I was sick with Joshua, and that was definitely the right call to make!

Anyway, today after my exam, we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat!!! That's always the coolest thing to hear. It still doesn't seem real to me that I'm pregnant or that we're going to welcome another child into our lives and home. It's exciting and overwhelming all at the same time, so I usually don't dwell on that fact (and with a busy little guy, it's hard to dwell on anything for too long!)
Dr. Jones also informed me that my ultrasound showed dermoid cysts of the ovary, which are usually benign and are small enough now that they aren't going to operate on them at this point. (Why put the baby at risk now if we don't have to?) However, they will keep an eye on them throughout my pregnancy this time. I asked what dermoid cysts are, and she grimaced and said she hoped I wouldn't ask. In a nutshell, they are little 'monsters' or cysts with hair, skin, teeth, bone, etc. She explained that our bodies are able to reproduce but can only make a baby when sperm meets a cell. For whatever reason, these are something that my body is trying to make a person and can't without the sperm connecting with them. So they are masses of gross things that can cause major problems for me especially if they get too large. YUCK!!! For more on those (if you're not feeling sick in the stomach like I was when she told me), go to

I was disappointed to hear that there was something that was found AGAIN in that first ultrasound. She wants me to go have a higher level ultrasound with Dr. Bayliss again ASAP, which I'm working on scheduling. Please pray that the insurance covers this! If not, we'll probably wait until the 18-week ultrasound. But, she said there's some things you can see now and not then and other things you can see then and not now so she feels it's best to have both if possible.

My due date that I had guessed at was "off" by three days, but they only change the date if it's more than 5 days. So, the due date remains at July 13. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages between a VBAC and C-section, but depending on these dermoids, I may not have a choice. I'm truly fine with either one, I think.

Here's what's happening with our baby, who turned 11 weeks on Saturday:
Fetal Development:
Starting with this week, the baby is now called a fetus. The most critical part of the baby's development is over. This is a period of rapid growth, and your baby is about the size of a large strawberry, measuring approximately 1.75 to 2.4 inches from head to bum (weighing roughly three-tenths of an ounce)! The baby's head is about half its length. All major organs have now been formed. And even baby's tiny nose is beginning to develop, and may be complete by week 15. The eyelids will fuse shut, and the irises will begin to develop. Sometime during this week or the next week, blood will begin to circulate between the baby and uterus and the placenta starts to function.

Maternal Changes:
Your uterus is the size of a small grapefruit already! You may find that your appetite is better as your nausea subsides even though certain smells may bother you.Feeling extra flushed? Light-complexioned women may actually become quite pink during pregnancy. That's because of the added volume of blood in your body. And speaking of blood, watch your iron count. Make sure to take your prenatal vitamins!

Gingerbread & Good Family

On Wednesday, I gave my last final of the semester and posted everyone's grades that Friday. Hooray for being done for a month!!! I still haven't gotten the advertising book yet that I need to read for the Spring, though. Grrr...

Thursday night Aunt Missy & Uncle Kevin watched Joshua while Shawn & I went to the mall to do more Christmas shopping. Aunt Missy said he remembered where she kept certain toys and things, even though this was only his second time being there in awhile. I see him getting bigger by the day. He's definitely gaining weight and fitting into his clothing better. He's also doing new things like dancing - which he did before but now he really gets into it with his little bottom shaking, head banging, arms flapping and knees bending. I love it! Every time I see him dance, it makes me smile. He's still talking about a storm in non-words but does mimic our sounds, so we're having to be more careful about what we say, as I discovered the other day...

Friday night gingerbread house decorating was postponed because my sister's friend's friend has a little girl that just went into the hospital in Hershey. Please pray for her, if you think of it. She's 10 years old and started literally bruising everywhere and the doctors haven't determined why but said if her blood counts get any lower, she'll need a transfusion. I'm sure this is difficult during the holidays, and I know her parents who are kind, giving and thoughtful people. Pray for peace for the family, wisdom for the doctors and healing for this young gal. We got together on Saturday morning to decorate the houses instead, and because Joshua had been up the whole night before, Daddy stayed home with the Bean while I went. Joshua wasn't fussy throughout the night, he was talking. And talking. And talking. But, we wanted him to nap Saturday so that he would be better prepared for the Good family Christmas gathering. Since I was without a partner, I told Jen I didn't mind if one of her kiddos wanted to help me since the three girls were anxious to help work on her house. Grace came over and did much of the decorating while I helped guide and 'glue' with the paste. I thought all the houses turned out well, but it was a much different experience with kiddos helping vs. Shawn & I decorating together. We had fun.

Saturday night was Grandma Good's Christmas, and we had a great time as usual. This was again different from years past since we actually had Joshua along this time. He did okay for the most part, though. We had a few breakdowns, but nothing too major. I think he gets overwhelmed with a crowd in general. The evening started with decorating Christmas ornaments (the women usually do a craft of some kind). Then we had a scrumptious dinner of sandwiches and snacks, followed by games played by the adults and then the opening of gifts by the kids. I love Shawn's family, and we always have fun there every year. Joshua loves the gifts he received, and was playing with his cars, his piggy and his bouncing ball last night. Thanks, Grandma Good, for always making us feel so special! When we got home, Joshua went right to bed so we rented the Bourne Ultimatum, which was super.

While we didn't get the bad weather they were calling for, I woke up Sunday morning with what felt like a migraine. I could barely move from my head pounding (and no, I didn't drink any eggnog, for those of you wondering). I finally caved in and took some tylenol and went back to bed while Shawn graciously watched Joshua. I felt better when I got up the second time, for the most part, so we went back out to do Christmas shopping, came home and Shawn wrapped gifts while I cleaned our house (the dust left behind by contractors is terrible to keep up with!), we ate dinner, watched the season finale of Survivor and called it a night...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Cookies & Contractors

Our house is still a work in progress. They've finished putting up our interior doors & closet doors, three of our exterior doors and all our new windows except the bay window, which will come after Christmas. The siding on the back is also finished, but the rain/dreariness has kept them from finishing doing the aluminum capping of our windows, garage, sun porch, etc. and our much needed gutters. The electrician is supposed to come tomorrow and Friday, but we'll see if that still works out. Even though all the guys are super nice, I'm getting tired of having people in my house all the time. You just feel like you can't be yourself or do what you want to do, whatever that may be.

On Tuesday we went to Nonie's house to bake Christmas cookies. Joshua wouldn't nap and was completely crabby the entire day, but other than that it was nice. I'm looking forward to decorating gingerbread houses Friday night and going to Grandma Good's house on Saturday, one of my favorite traditions. Shawn & I are supposed to finish our Christmas shopping tomorrow, but we'll see how that goes with the impending weather report.

Right now I'm waiting to give my last final and I'm done for the season! Hooray! I've been writing a lot this week, and Joshua was sooo good for me today. It made up for the crabby Bean he was yesterday. He is the cutest kid. I think he's gaining weight, too, and getting taller. He also is talking with more and more sounds (not a lot of "real" words, though). I think he's trying to say "thank you" sometimes as I've been trying to teach him that. I handed him a toy today and he said "kg-go" or something close. I'm not sure, but it was right on cue.

As far as me, I've been doing well for the most part. I'm tired but we've been busy and my body is trying to grow another human being, so I think that's to be expected. I'm loving Christmas music and watching Joshua light up when our Christmas tree lights are on, etc. I'm thankful for our family and our extended family and the holiday season when we take the time to see one another and appreciate each other.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snow Much Going On...

Shawn's Grandpa Kennel was ushered into heaven this week, and the viewing is tomorrow night with the funeral Saturday morning. On the other hand, the hospice nurse that guessed at "days" for Jamie now said that he's eating enough to live for months longer. He can't really express himself with speech and he's took weak to move at all, even to sit up in a chair. But, so long as he can continue to eat and drink, his body will live on unless the Lord takes him home as well.
This was my last full week of classes and next week is finals. So, I've been grading, grading, grading papers and finished up yesterday during the lovely snow. I had to venture out in it (and yes, it was a little icy) because Millersville didn't cancel classes. I was one of three professors that showed up (I'm sure my students were thrilled). I'm teaching two classes in the Spring - advertising & marketing. Hopefully it goes okay with the baby due to arrive in the summer. I've also gotten more writing jobs lately (praise God!), which has kept me busy.

Joshua is continuing to talk up a storm and makes me smile daily. He just has such a friendly disposition and is a good kid, for the most part. We were playing today on the floor and I went to stretch out and he jumped on top of me like I was saying "let's wrestle!" I laughed out loud. What a funny little guy!

He had fun with Aunt Missy & Uncle Kevin and their two puppies on Tuesday night while Shawn & I went to the Christmas Banquet for the Lord's House of Prayer. We had a good time, and it was nice to be able to get out together. We couldn't believe Joshua was still behaving well when we picked him up at 10 pm! But, he fell asleep in the car before we even buckled him in.

On Saturday we finally put up our Christmas tree and decorated our house for the holidays. I love it! I have tons of classy & cheesy decorations, and the whole house is filled with cheer. I missed baking cookies with my sister & mom this year since we were up north, but I'm planning on baking cookies with Bonnie, Alicia, Hilary, Missy & Gayle this coming Tuesday if all goes well. I'm also decorating gingerbread houses with my sister's family this coming Friday, which I look forward to every year. I need to start my Christmas shopping soon, too!

Sunday's church service was on thankfulness, so I think it's something God is trying to teach me right now. Bill surprised me and asked me to lead two songs at practice. I think they went okay during church, but it's hard for me to tell when I'm on stage. I asked Shawn what he thought, and he explained that he wasn't listening because Joshua was busy playing with his buddy Austin and Shawn was trying to keep an eye on the Bean. Oh well. It was worship to the Lord and not for anyone else.

Sunday after church we went to see "A Dickens of a Christmas" at the Mansion in Mount Hope with the Renaissance Faire actors. It was great for something different, but probably not something I would do again. Nonny & Poppy watched Joshua for us, and Shawn & I loved having a date night.

I'm sure there's been more going on - friends I've seen, things we've done, cute things that Joshua has done that I've thought "I have to post that!" but alas, my memory is failing me. My brain has taken a vacation again with this pregnancy (or at least I'll blame it on Miss or Mr. Good-to-be!). I'll post pictures as soon as I download some from my camera. I don't take that many any more because I HATE the digital camera Shawn bought us when ours died. But, I do have some to put up sometime soon, hopefully. Mr. Bean just woke up from his nap, so I must run.