Sunday, February 25, 2007

A "New" (to us) Car!

Wednesday night Grandma Ginder surprised us by being in town, and we enjoyed a lovely dinner with her. While I was in class Thursday night, Grandma Ginder brought over her mom, Joshua's Great Grandma Kennel, to visit with Shawn and the baby. Unfortunately, Joshua was not feeling too well, and Shawn said he was fussy most of the evening. He felt hot to the touch when I came home, so I took his temperature. Sure enough, he had a fever. We gave him a little tylenol to take the edge off. He's been coughing just a little and a little sneezy, but the rest of his symptoms look like teething. He's knawing on anything he can get his hands on, he's drooling a little, and he's been just a little grumpy for him. I can't tell if he has a cold, some other bug, or if he's going to sprout little white teeth. I know it's early for teething, but who knows? Anyway, I feel bad that one of the only times Great Grandma Kennel has seen Joshua he wasn't feeling well and wasn't his normal chipper self. :( Please pray that Joshua feels better!!!
Friday night we had supper with Joshua's Great Grandma Good, who treated us for our anniversary. She is so sweet! Joshua slept through the entire dinner. Then yesterday, we picked up my new car. It's got plenty of room for Joshua and other things like groceries, it's four-wheel drive, and it has tons of options. We got a really good deal on it, too, and now we have one car in our family that should last awhile. It's got the remainder of the factory warranty as well. I love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That last picture is so cute...they are both leaning to the left! :>)
Looks like you have a very laid back little boy. Are you able to take him out yet?