Tuesday, February 13, 2007

There's No Day Like a SNOW Day!

It snowed most of the day here today, and now it's freezing rain. This is the first larger snow where it stayed on the ground, and it seems like fresh white powdery snow brings out a child-like excitement in everyone. I can't wait until Joshua is old enough to make snow angels of his own!

My sister Becky came over yesterday, and we had lunch together here, played Scrabble (she, of course, won by a landslide), and enjoyed chatting. She commented that Joshua talks a lot, and that he gets that from his mommy. Ha! Becky also brought with her the last season of West Wing, which Shawn and I are looking forward to watching some day. Right now the only two shows we see on a fairly regular basis are 24 and Survivor.
This morning Joshua almost knocked me out. He's getting to be so strong! He butted his head against my jaw so hard, it felt like I had gotten punched (well, I've never been punched, but I assume that's what it feels like). He didn't seem phased, but I think I've got a decent size bruise there.

I did quite a few copy jobs today while Joshua napped. It was nice to have some uninterrupted time to work, even though I don't mind when he's awake and we just spend time together. He's been playing a little more lately. We're seeing some slow progress. Like, he loves his little blue elephant, and he grabs its ears to put it in his mouth (which the baby book said that babies learn by all five senses, so taste is a great way for them to experience the world!). He does the same thing with the "soft" cat that Julie bought him as a baby gift.

He reached out to touch the squeeky football (he LOVES things that squeek) but he's terrified by the tiny soccer ball. When it bounces, it makes a loud "booingg" noise that scares him to tears. On the exersaucer, he started playing with the steering wheel (of all things!) and turning it around. But, most toys he can't be bothered with. We could dangle a hundred things in front of him, and he'll just look at us. But, when he takes a little action on just one, we're jumping for joy!

The other day Grandpa Georgia called and I put the phone up to Joshua's ear so he could say hi. Joshua grinned from ear to ear. The baby loves to talk to anyone who will listen! I hear him in the monitor throughout the night, and I think to myself, "who are you talking to and what are you saying?" By his facial expressions, you think he would be saying whole sentences, but we can't understand it yet. Someday, he'll surprise us and just start talking in real words. For those of you who don't know this, in my baby book, my mom recorded my first four word sentence as "I got it! Yahtzee!" Ha ha ha! I've loved playing games since I was little. Can't wait to see what the Bean's first words will be.

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...


You are growing up way to fast! And stop head butting your mommy. That really hurts. Your buddy Jude head butt me when he was about your age and broke my glasses in half. You two are both strong little boys.

I bet your first words will be "I love my mommy" because she is such a wonderful mommy. But in reality, you will talk about your daddy first. Cruel fate. Cruel, cruel fate. You do have a great daddy though as well.

Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day and that you treated your Mamma extra special. Sounds like it was a great, snowy day with both Mommy & Daddy.

I love you, Joshua Bean! Can't wait to see you sometime soon...before you're a toddler I hope!

Miss Julie