Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving today at my mom's house for lunch. Besides the delicious food (as always), we had great entertainment with my niece Grace singing songs from her preschool. I remember one of them was "Turkeys are a silly bird...they wobble, wobble, wobble. And, they only know ONE word! It's gobble, gobble, gobble!" Shawn also laughed when Faith shouted out "Brrrrr!" from her icecream being cold (since the girls don't like pumpkin pie). Joshua slept peacefully and soundly in his pack 'n play in the office where these precious nieces couldn't touch him.

We all have so much to be thankful for!!! We are thankful for Jesus who died on the cross, for our health, for our family who we love so dearly, for our friends, and for God providing for us not only food but a home to live in. I'm very thankful for Shawn, who never ceases to amaze me. And, of course, we are especially thankful for Joshua this year.

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