Saturday, December 24, 2011

Up On The House Top

As I've been listening to the radio station playing Christmas songs, we heard the familiar tune "Grandma got run over by a reindeer." Well, Joshua thought it was hysterical this year! He laughed and laughed and laughed. He's getting to the age where he can sing along with the lyrics and surprise me with how many he knows. I asked him if we should warn his grandmothers, and he said "SURE!"
So, I decided to make a reindeer craft out of their footprints. (The inspiration came from a moose craft Caleb did in preschool this year - if we can make a moose out of a foot, I thought a reindeer wouldn't be that much different to try!). Even though Ryan doesn't typically need the bumbo anymore, I didn't want him rolling around or getting the wet paint anywhere it shouldn't be. I used his feet first, and the paper I used was fairly flimsy, which I would do differently if I ever tried it again.
Caleb went next. He and Joshua both giggled as I painted their feet. I did one boy at a time, and helped them make the footprints. Then I washed the dirty foot, and they all promptly got their baths thereafter. How did I miss getting Joshua with his foot painted? I don't know... maybe because he was the easiest and I was thinking about bath time next.
Here were their feet together. Joshua & Caleb's footprints are very close in size for being two years apart.
It was almost a week later that we got the dried footprints back out and started transforming them into reindeer. I bought the eyes, and the boys picked them out and helped me glue them on. Then we took pom-pom noses and I helped draw on the antlers. The boys signed their names. I added "Mamaw, watch out for the reindeer!" Now, they are forewarned what might happen on Christmas Eve. :) :) :)

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