Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oh, Christmas Crafts; Oh, Christmas Crafts; How Lovely Are...

On Caleb's last day of preschool (December 14), he handed me a package that was COVERED in glue and glitter. Unfortunately, my stroller, Caleb's coat and most of me was covered in the wet sticky stuff before I realized that it was still wet. :( :( :( BUT, he told me that inside was a gift for me (I almost threw it away! Whoops!). When I opened the sticky package, inside was a dry (thankfully!) ornament that he had made. Is this not the cutest thing? I LOVE it! Especially his expression. We hung it right up on our tree.
Caleb also made this hanging thing-a-majig above that day at school - each sticker represents part of the Christmas story, and it jingles. He enjoys looking at it. :)
The Sunday before that (12/11), we decided to check out Calvary Church. The kids loved their Sunday School classrooms, and there were plenty of nursery workers for Ryan, who also seemed to enjoy his time. The sermon was good; they are doing a sermon series on the presence of Christmas, and I never thought about the fact that only one angel appeared to the shepherds and then it was as if heaven burst forth onto earth because it couldn't contain itself as the angels worshiped here. So cool to think about it a new way! BUT, while I enjoyed singing the Christmas carols, we both thought the worship in general was pretty terrible. I half wonder if it was a function of the sound, but you couldn't hear the lead singer so it all sounded like a jumbled mess. I'm not sure how we would feel about that during a 'normal' season. I always think I can join in any kind of worship, but this one would be particularly tough. It was still nice to visit, though.
While we were there, the kiddos made these angel crafts, and they also had ideas they sent home how to do more things at home. I'd like to make the applesauce angels next year, I think, since I ran out of time this year.
On Joshua's last day of preschool (12/15), he gave me a present that had this ornament in it that he made. So cute! It was a "secret" that he kept. I put it right on our tree. We have more kiddo-made ornaments than real ones, I think, which is great!
Joshua also made this Christmas tree craft at preschool. Many of the parents said that they have older children who made these and they've kept them and put them out year after year.
Here's another one that Joshua made at preschool - an angel holding him. :)
I love Christmas crafts! What a great month!

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