Friday, December 30, 2011

The Sound of Music

One of the gifts we bought for baby Ryan for Christmas was a music cube. Each different side lights up and plays one part of a Mozart song from an orchestra - one is a piano, another a harp, another a violin, another a french horn, etc. Each one plays its own individual melody when you push that side, but there is one side that plays the entire 'orchestra' so you can hear how the entire song sounds together.

In a training session, there was a woman who shared this toy from her grandchildren that she kept even after they were grown. She brought it in and we each had to sing different melodies related to one part in the orchestra (I think my section sang the trumpet part). Her point was that each part is important to making the entire song - each individual part is beautiful on its own, but it sounds the best when the full orchestra is together.

I LOVED the toy! I knew that I wanted it for Ryan some day. To our family, he is the last part in our orchestra (unless we decide to adopt some day). Each child is a beautiful part and has a significant role in our family - and the  family (or orchestra) wasn't complete without the last instrument or child. We are happy to have Ryan in our lives! And he seems to enjoy his new toy. :) :) :)

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