Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I check out Craig's List on occasion for deals. I saw this ESPN basketball net posted on there just before Christmas. It's adjustable and it sounds when you make a basket. I had been casually looking at these, but I realized we already had plenty of gifts for the boys for Christmas already. I emailed her a low offer, realizing I truly didn't "need" it but would be glad to have it if it didn't cost a ton. She emailed back saying that we could have it if we'd come pick it up. I knew the boys would love it!
The Tuesday before Christmas, I asked Dad to come with me to get it. He loves good deals, and I'm not always comfortable going to someone's house by myself with three little ones. I want to be careful. He said sure and came over right around noonish (after Mom had left from baking the cookies, as I recall now! Monday I cleaned the house from top to bottom and Tuesday we baked in the morning.). We had a bit of a time getting the seat down in the back and collapsing the net to make it work in the minivan, but we got it home! Thanks for your help, Grandpa Georgia!
While we were there, Jen called and asked if we'd like to do lunch. We said sure and she made pizza for us at her house, which was nice. The boys had fun playing with their cousins, and I enjoyed not having to make lunch. :) :) :)
Two days later it was GORGEOUS out! It didn't feel like December but more like a fall day. The boys & I went for a walk and when we came back, they took off their coats and played and played and played with their new net. It was a little dusty from being in the other person's garage, and Joshua said "it's giving us dust glitter as we score a basket!" Haaa!!! Only a little guy can turn dust into a good thing. :) I hadn't had a moment to clean it before, and they were so enjoying playing with it that I didn't want to take the time away from them then to do so. I didn't even put batteries in it yet or adjust the net up. I couldn't believe how many baskets Joshua made. He is pretty good at it!
Caleb loved that the woman gave him his own ball to play with. It was great! I listened to Pandora radio and held the baby as the boys played the afternoon away. I got my money's worth out of their enjoyment that day!!! I was so thankful to God for the beautiful weather and gorgeous sunshine He provided for us that day. It was just what I needed after that morning!
The Thursday morning that these pictures are from, Grandpa had come over once again. This time, he came to help me peel some potatoes. We ate breakfast together and then he helped me as I did some preparations for my family's Christmas Eve EVE meal that I was making. I actually enjoyed the time with him. We talked about memories from when I was little, particularly the times that we gave to other families in need or bought presents for other kids. He was saying that he needs to find something 'new' to bring some meaning back to Christmas for him. While he loves the grandkids, it's really not the same for him as it was having his own family. I felt sad for him. It made me sad in general... I was also thinking of dear friends of mine who are divorced. One of my buddies from high school's younger sister was just walked out on by her husband - he TEXTED her that he wasn't coming back. Ever. I read a post on her blog about how heartbroken she was, and my heart ached for her. I thought of my good friends whose dad just left their mom out of the clear blue sky. And I wondered, why do people have to be alone at Christmas time, especially? If God came to bring peace on earth, why is divorce even an option? Why is it that what God has brought together, man does separate at times?
I talked to Shawn about it that night (who has been working so hard with year-end inventory that I'm not sure he was in the mood, but he held me as I talked about what was on my heart). Once again, I gave thanks to God for a husband who I think is top notch. He is truly above and beyond my expectations of what a husband and father should be. Once again, I gave thanks for my little boys. I would have never dreamed of being so happy at this age. I am so blessed to have their little lives in my life! I was so excited for Christmas this year and enjoyed all the hustle & bustle of the holidays to the fullest. I'm hoping that they grow up to be men like their Daddy - kind, hard-working, generous, loving, gentle, intelligent and sweet. But, how I hope that they will know their Heavenly Father as well! Once again, I gave thanks for knowing the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is special because of a Savior that was born. We couldn't be good enough to save ourselves. We couldn't stop sinning or live our lives in a way that was pleasing to God on our own. We needed the blood of Christ to cover our sins, and He showed up on earth - coming down to our level - as a baby. Even His very birth started out as a miracle! What joy there is in salvation! What joy there is in knowing that our Savior is here! What joy there is in knowing that this life is not the end!
I am happy to be in the life that I am, and yet I was sad in thinking of all those souls who are hurting in this world. May each person experience PEACE on earth through a relationship with Jesus! If happiness can't be achieved at this time in life for whatever reason, I pray for a joy that surpasses all understanding for everyone. May each person feel the love of God - even through such things as finding a little deal on a gift or the beautiful sunshine or the way He talks and ministers to each one of us.

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