Wednesday, December 14, 2011


One of my most favorite memories that we've done each day this year is our advent calendars. The days are not in any particular order, so the kids have to find where the numbers are for that date.
Caleb Luke LOVES chocolate. He asks for it every morning and is thrilled to get a little piece! I think he will miss it when Christmas is over.
Caleb  is great at finding the door with the right number - it's tricky at times!

I've been most impressed with Joshua's memory. He tells me the date each morning, and how many days there are left until Christmas before we even get downstairs. He's always right (I often have to look to make sure).

After chocolate, we write the number of days left until Christmas on our count-down Santa in chalk. I've had this little thing for years, but this is the first year we've used it with the boys. The Bean LOVES it! So fun! He sits on top of my china cabinet, telling us that Christmas will soon be here!

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