Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Hunt is On!

The Easter bunny was busy creating baskets for the boys. I didn't want too much candy and junk food, so I did a little bit of different things from coloring books and crayons to a new animal craft, one chocolate bunny (because isn't that mandatory for baskets?) and goldfish, M&M's because they are Caleb's favorite and Oreos because they are Joshua's favorite. For Ryan, we did puffs, Cheerios and graham crackers plus a little stuffed bunny. The baskets were all full and ready to be found!

We waited to do our egg hunt until after nap time. The boys had been up late the night before and woke up early for church, and Caleb especially needed a nap that afternoon. While they slept, we hid the eggs inside since it was a really windy day.
When we came downstairs, Ryan was actually the first one to find an egg. He was already out of his Sunday best attire and in his onesie and socks. He crawled right over to the ottoman and found himself a nice yellow plastic egg.
I tried to count how many eggs I had filled with mini twix bars and chocolate kisses, and I lost track in the 60s. But somewhere in there was about how many we had! We filled the first floor with eggs. :)
It was hard to get pictures of them in action. They would find an egg and pick it up before I could snap the picture. But, they were having a blast!
Ryan surprised me with his interest in the eggs. I only put Cheerios in one egg, thinking he wouldn't be that intrigued by them. He loved picking them up and shaking them, though. :) :) :)

The most impressive moments from that day, though, have to be the older boys sharing their eggs with each other. Joshua would say "Look, Caleb, I see one. You can have it." Then Caleb would find one and say "Joshua, would you like this egg?" That went on most of the time they were hunting. Instead of finding eggs for themselves, they were putting them in each other's baskets. Shawn & I kept grinning at their sweetness to each other. They were having a blast together!
Earlier in the day, we had tried to get a family picture to no avail. Caleb was not cooperating, and I was sincerely frustrated. We ended up sending him to bed. But, when he woke up, he kept trying to smile for my pictures. Even if it was a fake smile, he was all about trying to make me happy then. I wish he would have smiled earlier when we were all dressed up, but such is life!

After the boys had collected all their eggs, they took them back to start opening them and see what they had gotten. Shawn kept them busy as he would steal a couple of their Twix bars. He LOVES them! Joshua eventually caught on that Daddy was eating all his candy, though. Shawn felt bad and ended up buying him a big Twix bar at the grocery store later that week. Haaa!!! Silly Daddy!
Caleb enjoyed the Hershey Kisses, too, but eventually we put all the candy up. They had fun cleaning out the eggs and then we put them all back until next year.
As the boys would empty their eggs, they'd toss a few at the Schnook, who was highly intrigued to play with them. :)

Joshua was also good at putting his eggs back together whereas Caleb could do some but not others.
After they were done with the eggs, we played "hot & cold" to find their Easter baskets. Ryan's we put on his high chair, Caleb's we hid on top of the fridge and Joshua's we put in the kitchen cabinet under the sink. Joshua didn't understand what it meant that he was getting warmer at first, but eventually he found it. :) :) :)
They had fun looking at all their fun stuff from the Easter Bunny. Ryan loves his Puffs and Graham crackers. YUM!

It had been a fun Easter egg hunt. :) But, we won't forget the true reason for celebrating the day - Jesus is ALIVE! And we can now live, too!

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