I was impressed, however, with the clean-up procedures of the room. When it was nearing the end of the morning, we took turns changing diapers and then I wiped down all the major toys with bleach wipes before we put them away and all the little toys got put into the sink with hot soapy water where we scrubbed them down. There also wasn't a single toy in there without batteries. Someone takes very good care of the toys at Calvary Church! And, there were notes to put on gloves before wiping a baby's nose and to wash the child's hands before dropping him or her off, which I think is great.
The morning went as well as it could have, with only one major explosion from Ry-guy (from his antibiotics - he was feeling better by then but still on the medication). He played well and enjoyed the toys in the room and didn't seem to mind when mama was playing with other little ones. He started playing with a toy that I remembered playing with when I was a baby. How strange that I haven't seen it in YEARS (probably over 30 years, honestly) and yet when I saw it I remembered what sounds it should make and how it felt when I pushed on the buttons. :)
On Thursday, April 19, Caleb had a dentist appointment in the afternoon to get his teeth cleaned and checked. I called dad to see if he would mind staying with Joshua while I took Caleb, but he's not much for the baby stage so I took Ryan with me. Caleb said as soon as we pulled in, "Hey, we've been here before!" Yep, it's true. We go every six months like clockwork. But, I'm glad that they don't seem scared of the dentist. I think Dr. Miller tries very hard to make it as fun as possible. Here are some pictures of Caleb checking out the office "pet."
Caleb had no desire to ride the mechanical horse. While he's often bold, there are some things that still make him nervous.
Ryan did fairly well there, too. He didn't love being in the stroller, so I let him cruise around holding onto things. Eventually he tried to step while holding onto a small kiddo stool, but it wasn't sturdy enough to support him and they both toppled over before I could catch him. Whoops! The dentist gave him a rubber ducky and he was smiling again.
They asked Caleb if he'd like to play with the tons of trains and millions of toys, but he said he just wanted to sit in the chair. It didn't matter to me either way. :)
Then Dr. Aaron Miller came over and looked at his teeth, and he told me that Caleb is no longer nervous and no longer needs to be considered a "star" patient but can be seen by the hygienists because he's easygoing. The only thing that Caleb didn't do while we were there was talk. To anyone. Literally they would say hi and he didn't say a word. What is up with that? I told him to tell them his name, his age, and answer the questions and he didn't open those lips once. WHAT!?!? How is it that I have one boy that could talk the ear off an elephant and the next will barely say 'boo' in public?
The dentists always do a trick where they push a sticker and at the same time make a squeaking noise. Caleb loved this and told me later that all the stickers there squeak. Haaa!!!
After being told that there are no cavities and no reasons for concern, the hygienist cleaned his teeth. The dentist had also said that we won't know anything more about Caleb's front tooth (whether his adult teeth are affected by that one tooth that currently has two heads) until his first set of x-rays, and those are necessary for right now. So, we'll wait until they make recommendations. For now, everything looks great!
At one point, the hygienist told Caleb that she was going to need her finger back so he'd have to open wider. Otherwise, it was a smooth appointment and didn't last long. Afterward, he was offered a prize while I put Ryan back in the stroller. Do you know what he picked? A ladybug necklace that when opened has lip gloss inside. Along with it came a slap bracelet. Those sound like girl prizes, you say? Why, yes, they are meant for girls. But that's what he picked when I wasn't next to him, and so that's what he got. The gal at check out (who I think is our dentist's sister, or the main dentist's daughter) helped Caleb open his lady buy necklace and put the bracelet on. :) :) :)
We went home from our adventure, grateful that there were no areas of concern and that we don't need to go back with Caleb for six months. Joshua's appointment is next month.
Shawn was in Philly that entire day for a work meeting and originally I was going to go out with some friends for a mom's night out, but enough folks had to cancel that we decided to reschedule. So, we went shopping with Mamaw that evening to get some fresh fruit and things (thanks, Mom!). It was a nice way to pass the time without Daddy being there. :)
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