The Monday night after Easter, my students handed in their end-of-semester papers. With more students in my class than ever before, I did nothing but grade for the next two weeks in my free time. That meant no picture taking, no blogging, no writing down the kids' cute comments. And while you think you'll remember them to post later, unfortunately as time passes you don't. So, we went to the gym, ate, slept, played some and graded like it was my job. :)
The even put some egg shaker toys out on the grass for little Ryan and Jordyn.
After the egg hunt was over, the kids started opening their eggs to see what they had gotten. I thought the picture below of Joshua with his cousins Grant and Jordon was adorable. Joshua loves them!
Caleb was there; he was just sitting with his bestest buddy:Soon it was time for dinner. Ryan & Jordyn sat next to each other at the table, which was nice because I could visit with Jess. Jordyn took Ryan's first graham cracker. He didn't even see it coming! She eats so well, I was amazed at all she had.
Here's Jordyn with her daddy Don (Shawn's cousin); she's enjoying her dessert. :)
As you can tell from her bright pink cheeks and sweaty adorable hair, it was a beautiful hot day! We were blessed with nice weather. :)
After dinner was over, Don & Jessica took out their bouncy house that Shawn's Uncle Jim & Aunt Shari had bought for their son Ben. My boys loved jumping in it. They said it was the favorite part of their day. :)
It was getting toward bed time when I said to Shawn that Ryan was about at his limit. Aunt Gayle had already announced that she was on her way out, and I figured it was time to go as well. When we got home, the boys opened their Easter "baskets" (or bags) from Nonie & Poppy and were in awe of all the snacks they got, along with bubbles and some other fun things. We put the candy they had received into a little bucket and put away all the rest of our Easter things and decorations until next year. It had been a fun Easter. :)
1 comment:
Oh my gosh! Too funny. Those are ridiculous pictures of my lady! That was a fun day-enjoy chatting with you and watching the kids play.
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