we left, I met Shawn at home. I had been working on school work all morning (I've read over 333 pages, along with outlining them and creating powerpoints in only five days!) and had forgotten to get anything out for supper. So, we went to Ruby Tuesdays and took Joshua along. He did really well! He smiled at the waitress every time she was near, and she told us she had a son named Joshua. They became instant buddies. He behaved nicely the whole time, which we were relieved. I had made a delicious dinner Thursday night and offered to heat up left overs, but Shawn thought it would be nice to go out. A mini-date for the three of us!

We had great plans of everything we were going to get done this weekend, and somehow today escaped us. We did get rid of the bookshelf,
and finding a home for everything took longer than expected (we still have a few things that we're thinking we want to keep but need a spot for). Other than that, doing dishes and laundry, it didn't feel very productive. We wanted to mow the grass, baby proof the entire house, work on our budget, finish my current copy job (which is taking way longer than I ever expected), go to the gym and other things. I guess there's always another day. I shouldn't have such high expectations - we did at least play with Joshua, which Shawn reminded me is an eternal investment. Joshua was crawling forward today, all day. He's getting into everything! When he picked up his one toy, I said "Shake, shake, shake" and he actually shook it. That was the first time we'd seen that. He also got onto his knees and then one foot, which is a pre-cursor to walking. Hooray!

Tonight Joshua a
nd I went to Grace's birthday party and let Daddy have some alone time. We no more than got there and Mom got a call from my cousin Cindy (a visiting home nurse who was watching Jamie for Mom since he came home this morning) that the visiting nurse was there to show Mom how to do his IV, so she had to leave. She was very sad. The party began with a pinata, and all the kids took turns swinging at it. Once it was finally broken, they all scrambled for candy. Afterward, Grace opened her gifts. Grandma had gotten her a game, clothing for her Jill doll baby, tights and panties. When she opened the panties, Jen proclaimed
"Look, Gracie, new panties!" at which point the oldest boy there, Ethan (7), rolled his eyes and dramatically fell backwards. It was so funny! He also told me that I look just like Jen. I put Joshua in Jen's baby swing outside for awhile, and he LOVED it. After they served the cake, we called it a night.

is home, but he still has a fever and came home with an IV, as I mentioned. With that, Hospice does not feel it's time to be involved. The MRI showed that it might be the tumor or it might be an infection, so Jamie needs to go see the surgeon. Mom, of course, can't lift him to get him in the car and the surgeon's office was upset that Jamie was being discharged. However, they waited until 5:30 Friday to comment (and no one works weekends, of course) so it was too late to stop the original plan. Please continue to pray for both of them.

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