Hey, mom - who needs a puppy when I have a reflection friend?
Dada, do you see him, too? Isn't he handsome like me?
After the novelty of his "friend" wore off, he started opening all the cabinets. Ummmm...how 'bout no to getting out my breakable & expensive stoneware? So, I put him in his pack 'n play while I finished cleaning up until I could play more with him. I no more than sat him down and he immediately stood up on his own. Good job, Bean! After I was done, I took him out and put him in the good living room while we discussed our plans for the rest of the evening. He went right to the coffee table and pulled himself up. His feet weren't in the best position, but before I could move them, he took a step to get himself situated. Now, he was holding on, so it doesn't qualify as a "real step" Shawn told me, but this is the first time he even tried to step that I saw. The baby book calls this cruising. He didn't really cruise anywhere, but he's getting more and more courageous.
This morning after we got back from the gym, we were playing in the office and he pulled up onto his feet with the toy bin - another first! He used to just look through the bin while on his knees. Now he's anxious to stand any chance he gets. In fact, during his bath this afternon, he kept trying to stand in our tub. Thankfully it's a deep bath tub so he had a hard time reaching my shampoo, etc. Silly Bean! Sit down to play & splash like normal! His toys were okay, but anything Mommy touched was way cooler.
Doesn't the picture below look like Joshua is waving at someone or something? Well, I should go. My textbook for the second class I'm teaching at Millersville, Principles of Marketing, just came in the mail. That gives me less than two weeks to read over 700 pages, outline them on powerpoint, decide what to do to make it interesting, and write exams. Please pray that I stay motivated! Today I was bored just reading the first 10 pages. Ugh! It's hard to read when there's a handsome little guy beckoning me to play. I'm also writing, writing, writing. And, there's the house to clean, bills to pay, etc. I need to focus!


Oh my gosh!!!
It's starting. I predict he'll be walking on his first birthday. He'll master cruising quite soon, and it's all over from there. :)
Love ya!
I forgot to tell you...the oven pictures are PRECIOUS! LOVE THEM!!!
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