He seems to
be feeling better for the most part, but he's still not eating, which had me up in the middle of the night worrying. I calmed down thinking about the verse Phillipians 4:6: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." The ironic part is that I could remember the whole verse except for the phrase "with thanksgiving." I'm upset that Joshua keeps throwing up and isn't healed and has to be on medicine and the medicine isn't even working. I'm upset that he's now not eating and getting thinner by the day. But, I must remember to be thankful, too. He's come this far, and God knows our needs and our bodies better than we even do. I must remember to lay it at His throne and stop picking it back up to think that I need to be the one solving Joshua's problems. If you think of it, please pray for the Bean - that he outgrows this reflux, that he eats what he needs to, and that's he's healthy overall.

Wednesday night I went out with the "Good girls" - Shawn's Aunt Shari organized a gathering for the ladies on his side of the family. Only eight of us were able to make it, but we had a great time at Zia Maria's. I got to catch up with Shawn's Aunt Stacy & Aunt Gayle since I sat nearest to them, which was nice. I thought about the fact that I wouldn't have known anyone there had it not been for falling in love with Shawn - how different life becomes after you get married!
That afternoon I went and made copies of my syllabi for my classes that start this coming Monday. My key doesn't unlock my new office door (ugh!) and I still haven't received my contracts to sign. I guess I should realize that they are poor in planning and completely disorganized by now, but it drives me crazy! I'm still reading this relatively boring marketing book, which is sad since Marketing is so interesting to me. I must think of creative ways to interest the class...

This morning I went with Shawn's sister-in-law Gayle to get a manicure & pedicure at Visage a Visage while Nonie watched Joshua & my nephew Grant. (Mike & Bonnie had gotten us gift certificates for Christmas, and I thought going back to school was about the most "special" occasion I'll have to give me an excuse to use it.) Hilary came with Bonnie, which was very sweet and Joshua adores her. They said that boys were both really good while we were gone, which I was glad to hear. My feet feel incredible, but I've already managed to screw up a nail. Such is life! It was still a nice treat.
Well, I should get back to my school work while Joshua naps, even though this has been a nice diversion. I'll end this post with a cute Joshua story. Yesterday he banged his head into mine, and I looked at him and said "ouch" trying to get him to realize that doing that hurts Mommy. He looked at me and grinned and repeated, "ouch." It's hard to be hurt or upset when he's so darn cute!
1 comment:
Hey, Friend! Glad I read your blog today. I'm praying for you RIGHT NOW! Hope your first days/week of classes go really well!
Love you!
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