This weekend, Grandma & Grandpa Ginder and Aunt Erica
came down for Great Uncle Vernon's viewing. "Nanny Jo" stayed here and played with Joshua most of the weekend and was a big help so I could get some work done. I finished one of my larger projects yesterday after working on it all weekend. Now, I MUST finish my schoolwork since classes are less than a week away!
When they were down, Grandma & Grandpa Ginder bought a soothing vaporizer for Joshua, and I
think it reallly helped break up some of his cold symptoms. He's still a little schnarky, but not like he was. We all went out to dinner Saturday night and had a good time. Shawn & I were impressed with how well Joshua did. He ate almost everything we gave him - from cut cooked carrots & green beans to pieces of macaroni & cheese to mashed potatoes & bread to small bites of ham & cheerios. He didn't fuss at all, and I barely had to clean up any food under or on his high chair. Hooray! He also waved at any one who waved hi to him this weekend. Soooo cute!
We went to church on Sunday, and Joshua did pretty well throughout the service until
he head-butted Daddy. Then he cried, and since it was almost the end of the sermon, we decided to leave rather than give a cranky Bean to a nursery worker. We dropped him off at Mom's before heading to the viewing, where we saw many family members that we only see camping at the family reunion. They all clean up nicely! It was still sad, though.

I've been feeling convicted of working on Sundays to finish up writing projects and what not, so this Sunday I didn't clean the house or write but just spent time relaxing (including a much-needed nap so I wasn't so cranky!) and playing with Joshua & Shawn. It was a nice weekend...
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