Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy 26-month birthday, Ryan Josiah!

Ryan turned 26 months old on Sunday, July 7. At church this past Sunday, someone said "He looks big for a 2-year-old." I hope not, because my little Schnook is growing up way too fast!
For example, he now knows how to open door knobs. WHAT!?!?! I was laying in bed, and he was out with Daddy and he came dancing into my room to see his Mama. No more closing the door to the bathroom without locking it. He can get in and out easily by himself. CrAzY!
Something else he's been "sneaky" about lately is snuggling with Caleb in his big boy bed. He'll climb up in when we say it's night time, and we have to giggle. We haven't been able to capture it on camera yet because they get silly when we come in the room. Soon enough it will be time for him to get his own big boy bed. But, for now, since he hasn't tried to climb out of his crib, we're keeping his room set up as is. I can't bear the thought of changing it quite yet. Why can't kids grow up AND stay little all at the same time?!?!
Ryan is a fantastic sleeper, though. He typically goes to bed by 8 pm and sleeps right through until 8 am. I think that thumb of his helps him if he wakes up because we don't hear a peep. He usually naps for about an hour in the afternoon as well; sometimes two, if he's super tired. The above picture is the only one I got of him in his July 4th "FREEDOM" shirt. I can't believe I forgot to get a family picture of all of us in our flag shirts. (Sigh.) Next year!
Ryan loves to play and explore and is full of energy and life. He's not very cuddly but loves to run and jump and climb. He tries to keep up with his older brothers, and he's very strong for his age. He's also EXTREMELY opinionated for a 2-year-old, I think. He has a strong, stubborn will. And we've probably babied him a little too much... but he is the baby!
I know I've mentioned how much he loves to play basket-a-ball. He also loves to sing songs, and I'm impressed at his ability to repeat lyrics. He also understands the concept of playing "Mother May I?" and can put simple puzzles together easily on his own. He loves being read to, and he's actually enjoying some TV. He doesn't sit for long, but he likes Elmo, Veggie Tales and a few movies like "Jungle Book" and "Monsters, Inc."

My little man is the least picky eater in our group, I think. But he insists on feeding himself. If we try to help, he throws a bit of a tantrum. Tantrums are part of our days now, but I think that goes along with being two. Thankfully, so do little giggles and big belly laughs, the pitter patter of little feet and the innocent mixed up words that make us smile. I also love pudgy wide baby feet, little hands that hold ours, little arms and a voice that says "I want to hold you" (meaning he wants us to hold him) and "I want to rock-a-bye you" (my favorite!). I love how he asks me if I've had a bath when my hair is wet (and I respond shower, so now he asks that immediately after). He likes to bounce on Daddy's towels and "wrestle with big brothers." He loves to ROOAARR like a dinosaur anytime he thinks of it, and his little expressions that crack us up. We are so blessed to have a little one in our house. I treasure these moments and am so glad that Ryan is in our life.

Happy 26th birthday, pumpkin! (He'd repeat "punkin" with something funny... like "Don't call me punkin" or "You my punkin" or "Am I a punkin")...

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