Monday, November 30, 2009

More Fall Fun

On Saturday morning, I don't quite remember what we did, but I do remember that I had a hair appointment. I love my hairdresser. I was in, out and done within an hour and a half. I may have gone shopping afterward? I don't really remember... sad that time goes by so quickly and my brain can't seem to keep up! Mom & I have gone shopping a few times in the past few months, and I always enjoy the time I get to spend with her.

The next day, I went to Isabella's 2nd birthday party. Our small group friends Chris & Lisa had invited us to go, and Shawn still wasn't feeling the best, so I 'represented.' I had a nice time. That day was beautiful outside, I remember, and I went for a run that morning before going to the party. It was a gorgeous weekend. We've had many beautiful days this fall. The kids have really enjoyed playing with the leaves. In fact, that's the first thing Joshua was thankful for at his preschool Thanksgiving party (his momma was second). :) :) :) 
That week started student evaluations for me. I also got my H1N1 vaccine for free that week from MU. And the pediatrician got another round of doses in and I put on my 'momma bear' mentality and made sure my very high-risk son got his vaccine. At first the scheduling gal said she couldn't help me, but I called and left a message for the head doctor, and the head nurse called me immediately and he got in that day. I am thankful. I also praise God for keeping him healthy and safe during this time and season.I'm trying to remember what else has been going on. We had another MOPS meeting where we made little crafts, we had a MOPS playdate at my friend Margie's house which was fun. Joshua did an amazing job of playing there... he was an angel. Caleb was also very well-behaved admist the chaos; however, he likes to explore a little more, which keeps me on my toes. Daddy & I went to TGIFriday's with a gift card last Friday night while our babysitter Miranda watched the boys. Then after a cheap (but nice!) date, we went shopping at the mall and enjoyed walking around. While we were there, a very nice-looking but extremely gay man tried to pick Shawn up before realizing I was with my very handsome and neat husband. His line was "don't I know you from somewhere? Where do you work? How do you like it? And on and on... and Shawn was too nice to back away at first but he was embarrassed I could tell. Finally, I said "it's time to go." Haaa!!! This happens to Shawn way too often, and it bothers him. I think he should take it as a compliment - he's obviously hot stuff. Hee hee. The kids enjoyed their time with Miranda, who unfortunately burnt her hands taking dinner out of the oven. So, when she called to ask where we kept our band-aids, we cut our night short and headed to take her home.That weekend we hosted life group, and the session was on the unholy use of anger in dealing with our children. I got a lot out of it, and it was a good reminder to always stay calm and use action instead of words. Only one other couple brought their kids, so it was a nice small group. After our friends left, our babysitter came once again and we met some of Shawn's old high school friends at Your Place to watch the football game. They were sort of my friends in college, too, which is how Shawn & I met. It was nice to catch up with them, but I was a little bored (after all, football is definitely not my thing.) Still it was nice to be out and about. The kids didn't sleep for Miranda, so we put them to bed when we got home after I took her home. It was nice she could come. We really like her.While it's nice to go out sometimes and get out of the house, my most cherished moments are times at home with the family. I love my boys immensely, and our everyday interactions make me smile. I don't always write about them on here, but we're building memories everyday. For example, we often go for walks and notice the same things as we go. Joshua will tell me what he sees and Caleb will point and cry out if something interests him. The boys LOVE books and they both have favorites. Caleb loves "Stanley the Stinkbug" and Joshua is enjoying his Thomas books and "Cookie's Day Out" and many others. They both also are enjoying the Eight Little Monkeys. They love playing with each other and soak up the time we can spend together. I'm truly blessed. We have a wonderful family, and God has blessed us with nice fall weather. More stories to come...

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