Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Apple Festival at the Table Church

On Saturday, September 7, our family went to the Apple Festival at the Table Church. My friend Heather was in charge of it and had invited us via Facebook, and it looked like fun. The Table Church meets at the Lancaster Christian School in Lampeter and Shawn knew right where to go. When we got there, the boys got to work making "Apple Heroes."
They had apples and all sorts of supplies to make a "hero" and give it any super power that you want to. They loved putting the toothpicks in and adding marshmallows to the back. Then they added eyes and the letter "A" for a nose and it ended up looking very much like a turkey (why didn't I get a picture of the finished product?!?!). I think Joshua called it Turkey Marshmallow Man, and together we decided his super power was roasting marshmallows in fire and giving thanks in all circumstances (since he looked a LOT like a turkey!). I was genuinely surprised to hear that the boys' hero won second place in their contest (there were SO many cool-looking heroes!). The kids got a $10 Applebee's gift card. Hurray!
After the apple heroes, we went to the next station where I saw my friend Roseanne. The boys made their own apples using paper plates and tissue paper. It was a fun craft! You'll see the finished crafts below.
 At this station, the boys could velcro apples onto the tree. They also played an apple bean bag toss.

They also had free face painting. My oldest and youngest weren't interested, but Caleb said YES! We waited in line for a little while, but when it was finally his turn, he picked Mario.
Didn't he look so cute? When Joshua saw him, he wanted his done too, but it was too late. It was time for dinner and they were shutting down the craft tables and face painting.
We ran into the Whitley's inside, where we enjoyed our hot dogs and macaroni and cheese and apple sauce. I was hoping we'd get to stay and see Phredd perform, but Ryan was SO tired at this point that we knew he wouldn't last. And we didn't want to ruin the concert for other folks.
 The kids played on the playground equipment a little bit before we left.

 We had had a fun time! Thanks for inviting us, Table Church!

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