I put on their same painting clothes that they've worn for every craft lately (why get another outfit stained?). So far most everything has washed out, but just in case, the pants Joshua is wearing have holes in the knees and his shirt has stains on the sleeves. Caleb's outfit is merely worn, but so far everything has washed out of it.
We took the ceramic animals out of the box and I read the instructions. It only came with one paint brush, so I grabbed a couple others and told them what the directions said. Then they went to town painting their animals whatever colors they wanted to.
Joshua loves green and started with green. Then he thought he may want to do brown and ended up with some black. We left our folding table set up on our covered back porch with a plastic table cloth, which is the perfect setting for paint. If it spills, it's really not a problem!
Caleb started painting his kitty orange like the picture on the box, but soon he gave it many other colors, mixing most of them together. He LOVES to paint! He likes craft time in general. :)
I took several pictures and would go back and forth between checking on Ryan in the pack 'n play and watching them enjoy their painting time.
When they were done, they washed their hands, changed back into the clothes they were wearing that day, and we headed outside to play.
But, they had fun with this craft - thanks, Aunt Jen!
Here are the finished products. The cat (or dog, as Caleb kept calling it) and Joshua's dog.
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