Dinner Out
Friday night Grandma Good treated us out to dinner at Hoss' Steakhouse, and we really enjoyed seeing her. Joshua was pretty good the whole time, too, and I think he's getting more used to being in public. He's such a great kiddo!

Oy, Oy, Oy!
On Saturday morning, we went to an open house for a preschool we're looking into for Joshua. I couldn't believe all the things kids his age are learning, along with the fun planned activities, and they have options to do a couple half days a week. It's very expensive, though, so we'll have to see. Then we headed out to go shopping for Joshua's new room decor (I say shopping but since we haven't bought a thing, I guess I should say "browsing.") The Kids Cookie Break was on WJTL, and I was listening to the Veggie Tales "Pizza Angel" which is a cute song. Then Phredd's song "Jump for Jesus, Jump for Joy, Jump for Victory...Oy! Oy! Oy!" came on the radio. All the sudden we heard Joshua singing along "Oy! Oy! Oy!" It was so cute and cracked Shawn and me up!
On Saturday morning, we went to an open house for a preschool we're looking into for Joshua. I couldn't believe all the things kids his age are learning, along with the fun planned activities, and they have options to do a couple half days a week. It's very expensive, though, so we'll have to see. Then we headed out to go shopping for Joshua's new room decor (I say shopping but since we haven't bought a thing, I guess I should say "browsing.") The Kids Cookie Break was on WJTL, and I was listening to the Veggie Tales "Pizza Angel" which is a cute song. Then Phredd's song "Jump for Jesus, Jump for Joy, Jump for Victory...Oy! Oy! Oy!" came on the radio. All the sudden we heard Joshua singing along "Oy! Oy! Oy!" It was so cute and cracked Shawn and me up!

Eating at Home
I am loving having our kitchen back together. It will be nice when everything is actually finsihed! I finally used the new cooktop, which I was nervous to use before because it's brand new and looks so nice. But, Sunday night I baked skinless, boneless chicken smothered in BBQ sauce, two types of perogies (my favorite!) with sauteed onions and butter, and peas. It was divinity, if I do say so myself. Then, we had to clean the cooktop using the special cleaner...that's something I'll have to get used to. Joshua is loving eating at the table with us on his booster seat. The only thing he would eat that night was peas, and he had a ton of them. I guess it's good if the only thing he ever wants to eat is veggies. He also likes yogurt & grapes and the occasional chocolate pudding. I wish he would eat more of a variety, though, but I guess that will come with time. We always offer him what we're having and he picks and chooses what goes down the hatch.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight
For a donation to PBS, my mom received a CD collection from the 50s & 60s and the original "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (better known now as the song from the movie the Lion King) was on there. When we stayed with her in February, she and Joshua danced away to that song, with her twirling him around and him loving every second of it. The Bean & I ate french toast at Grandma's house on Sunday while Daddy went to church (Joshua woke up later than normal with the stupid time change, so we didn't rush to get to church since we knew the place would be packed for the Missions' Conference), and the two of them danced to the song again while Grace - who had spent the night at Grandma's the night before - and I danced. When we got home, I told Daddy he was missing Joshua's priceless expression, so he downloaded the song and danced with the Bean. Joshua LOVES it! "Hush, my darlin', don't fear, my darlin', the lion sleeps tonight...." Sooo cute!
Joshua always loved being read to, but now he insists on taking the book himself and turning to whatever page he can open. Thus, he rarely hears a full story anymore. But, he can click the pelican and dolphin books that Grandma & Grandpa Ginder bought him, he likes looking at the dump truck book from Jordon (along with many others), and yesterday we actually got to read all of "I love my Daddy Because..." So, he still loves books but not quite the way I would handle them. He is definitely all boy, exploring all the time. He climbs up everything and stood in his moving dump truck yesterday to reach something... Shawn reminds me that boys must be given their freedom and I all but have a heart attack when I see him trying to get higher and higher. Lord, please protect the Bean as he learns through touching, feeling, tasting, smelling and seeing!
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