Missy called and said that she had the day off and would like to come over for a visit. Super! We were excited to see her. She came with a new phone for Joshua (somehow he had called her cell phone and left her a long message when we were unaware). So, now he has his own phone that sings, lights up and makes noise. No more using ours!

Joshua had a great time playing with Aunt Missy. All children adore her. She would act like he knocked her over and would pull him with her. He laughed and laughed. What a fun game! We really enjoyed her visit.

Today Nonie came over and took Joshua to Park City for an hour to let me get caught up on my grading and writing. (I forgot to break out the camera - doh!) Then we went to lunch at Friendly's. Joshua was a gem. Such a cutie pie! Afterward we came home for the Bean's nap and had a nice visit. Thanks for coming to see us, Nonie & Missy! You're welcome anytime!
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