Hunting Eggs
Saturday was the day of our neighborhood Easter egg hunt. We were wondering if they were still going to hold it since it was frigid and flurrying. But, since it wasn't pouring and snow wasn't laying on the ground, we saw families begin to walk to the school. So, we bundled up the Bean and headed behind our house. Children ages 4 and under were to "hunt" eggs in one area that were basically sprawled all over the grass while children 5 and up hunted around the playground equipment. Previously, each parent dropped off one dozen candy-filled plastic eggs per participating child to one of the two households who coordinated the hunt. Then, the kids were told that the magic number was 12 - they could each find 12 eggs; no more, no less.
When one coordinating mom shouted "GO!" Joshua was the last little one to leave his spot. He was enjoying watching everyone and didn't want to move. Eventually he meandered over to the grass, and proudly picked up a lavendar egg at my prodding. I said "great job, now put it in the basket!" but instead, he decided to put it back on the ground for someone else to find. We showed him how to put the eggs in his bucket, and he put two in. Just then a little girl that was bigger (but younger) than him came over and took his bucket. He didn't care. He loved seeing a little friend. The little girl's parents said "give him back his bucket!" but he wasn't necessarily interested in it. Eventually he put about four more eggs in until we called it a day since everyone else was basically finished. From there, he just wanted to play with the other kids on the playground.
It was freezing out! All our noses and cheeks were red as the wind whipped through our hair. Normally after the egg hunt, each family brings their own packed lunch and lawn chairs and the neighborhood enjoys hanging out with one another. This time, though, some parents braved the cold a little while longer to allow their kids more fresh air time while many headed straight home. We stayed a little bit, and Joshua did NOT want to leave. We eventually had to pick him up and take an unhappy little one back to our house (thank God it's close!). We're all excited for warmer weather to come so we can spend more time outside!
Preparing Joshua's New Room
Saturday was also a busy day as Daddy started painting the closet in the former-guest-now-soon-to-be Joshua's bedroom. Once he's finished, we'll have to install the closet organizer and buy furniture for Joshua to sleep in. I can't believe it's quickly approaching!
Seeing Friends
Suzanne & Greg were in town for Easter and because Suz's dad just had surgery to remove a mass on one of his kidneys. So, that night as her dad rested, we all got together. They started at our house and gave Joshua a cute little truck that makes noise. He LOVES it! Then, we went to Barnes & Nobles as Daddy stayed home with the Bean. I finally learned more about what Dr. Greg Lang researches at Princeton University and had a great time catching up with Suz, just like old times. I miss seeing my dear friend more often, but I'm thankful she lives a lot closer than Harvard now.
Saturday was the day of our neighborhood Easter egg hunt. We were wondering if they were still going to hold it since it was frigid and flurrying. But, since it wasn't pouring and snow wasn't laying on the ground, we saw families begin to walk to the school. So, we bundled up the Bean and headed behind our house. Children ages 4 and under were to "hunt" eggs in one area that were basically sprawled all over the grass while children 5 and up hunted around the playground equipment. Previously, each parent dropped off one dozen candy-filled plastic eggs per participating child to one of the two households who coordinated the hunt. Then, the kids were told that the magic number was 12 - they could each find 12 eggs; no more, no less.
When one coordinating mom shouted "GO!" Joshua was the last little one to leave his spot. He was enjoying watching everyone and didn't want to move. Eventually he meandered over to the grass, and proudly picked up a lavendar egg at my prodding. I said "great job, now put it in the basket!" but instead, he decided to put it back on the ground for someone else to find. We showed him how to put the eggs in his bucket, and he put two in. Just then a little girl that was bigger (but younger) than him came over and took his bucket. He didn't care. He loved seeing a little friend. The little girl's parents said "give him back his bucket!" but he wasn't necessarily interested in it. Eventually he put about four more eggs in until we called it a day since everyone else was basically finished. From there, he just wanted to play with the other kids on the playground.

Saturday was also a busy day as Daddy started painting the closet in the former-guest-now-soon-to-be Joshua's bedroom. Once he's finished, we'll have to install the closet organizer and buy furniture for Joshua to sleep in. I can't believe it's quickly approaching!

Suzanne & Greg were in town for Easter and because Suz's dad just had surgery to remove a mass on one of his kidneys. So, that night as her dad rested, we all got together. They started at our house and gave Joshua a cute little truck that makes noise. He LOVES it! Then, we went to Barnes & Nobles as Daddy stayed home with the Bean. I finally learned more about what Dr. Greg Lang researches at Princeton University and had a great time catching up with Suz, just like old times. I miss seeing my dear friend more often, but I'm thankful she lives a lot closer than Harvard now.
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