Friday, September 6, 2013

Caleb's First Day of School

Caleb's "first day" to check out preschool was Thursday, August 29, 2013. It was actually his open house, where we went to his classroom together to meet his teacher and get acquainted with the room. Thereafter the parents leave to go to a meeting with the children stay and do some fun things in the classroom by themselves. We had went shopping earlier that week to buy him this outfit for school. I had felt bad that he didn't have "new" school clothes since he fits Joshua's hand-me-downs so we bought him a couple new things to wear. I thought he looked super cute in this green and brown outfit (which Joshua wore to school on green day! They are so close in size!).
Mamaw came over that morning to watch Ryan (thanks, Mom!) so it was just Caleb and me that went to his classroom. He met his new teacher and teacher's aide and we saw some old friends and met some new ones. I went to a very boring parent meeting (which is basically the same information year after year - too bad they don't have a condensed version for returning parents vs. new parents) while Caleb stayed in his classroom. He seemed to enjoy the morning.
He's already done more crafts than I think he did his entire year last year, and he seems to truly enjoy it, whereas last year it was hit or miss whether or not he wanted to go to school.
Here he is, posing with his teacher's aide, Mrs. Wenger.
And here he is with his new teacher, Mrs. Weaver.
His actual first day of school was the Tuesday after Labor Day. Shawn & I had went to Michigan together for the weekend and Mom watched the boys, so I missed the true first day, but thankfully Mom took pictures for me. Here he was, all dressed in his new outfit (which Mamaw had bought him when she bought Joshua's) and ready to go! He's such a cutie pie.

I think he's enjoying preschool, and I'm enjoying having him home with me one more year. We're doing crafts (which I'll post about separately) and reading together and having fun. Who knows if next year will be an automatic full day of kindergarten or if there will still be the option for a half day? So, I'm treasuring each moment we get to spend together.

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