Monday, April 29, 2013

The Last Easter Celebration of 2013 :)

We celebrated Easter with the Good extended family on Sunday, April 7, at Nonie & Poppy's house. It started at 3 pm with the traditional Easter egg hunt.
Not sure why I can't get this picture to rotate?
There were eggs for the little ones in the front yard, but Ryan wanted nothing to do with the hunt that day. Not sure why? But little Jordyn jumped right in! Our older boys didn't miss out!
Ryan did find a couple...

After the egg hunt, Nonie handed out Easter "basket" bags where the kids could put all their eggs they found. She also blessed them each with a toy (Joshua got Skylander, Caleb got a Mario and Ryan had cars from Sesame street - thanks so much!) and lots of goodies and snacks. They were SO excited!

They sat on the steps to look through their new Easter gifts. Fun!
We asked if we could try to get a picture with all the kids together.
There's our three boys (Joshua, Caleb and Ryan); Shawn's brother Brian's kids (Grant & Jenavieve); Shawn's cousin Don's kids (Benjamin and Jordyn) and Shawn's sister Alicia's son Jordon and her boyfriend's son, whose name has since escaped my memory. He seemed like a nice boy, though.
Jordyn and Ryan weren't too sure they wanted to look up for pictures! :)
Eventually Nonie called everyone inside to eat.
We had the traditional ham & mashed potatoes, we brought pineapple stuffing and there was also deviled eggs, a shrimp & noodle salad, corn, etc. that folks brought. Everything was delicious! I snapped two pictures of the tables quickly before we ate. Unfortunately we didn't get to sit with Don & Jess, who I was anxious to catch up with, but it was still nice to see everyone. :)
We did get to chat with everyone later, though. They had brought their air bouncy so the kids played on that while we hung out. It was a fun afternoon! Before we left, Ryan & Jordyn gave hugs and high fives goodbye. It was too precious!
Happy Easter! Catch you later!

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