Monday, July 8, was Caleb's actual birthday. But, we had started celebrating since Independence Day. He was almost partied out by the time his big day came. I asked him that morning what he would like to do. I gave him a list of possible fun options. His response? I want to stay home. I just want to play. So, that's what we did!
We spent the morning playing puzzle books. We did some reading. We played and played together. Then, I asked him if he'd like to meet Daddy for lunch at the park. When I added that we'd get Little Caesar's pizza and bread sticks (one of his absolute favorites) to take along, he was thrilled!
After we ate our lunch, we had fun sliding, climbing, swinging and enjoying the sunshine!
Even Daddy took a turn swinging!
Caleb offered to push his brothers.
Ryan LOVES to swing! Do you see his smile?!?!
Caleb loves to be the helper, so this was fun for both of them.
For dinner that night, we made Caleb's favorite noodles - plain and bland just like he likes them. He also insisted on birthday cake, so we all sang to him (even the Schnook!) once again and enjoyed some of that too, along with the ice cream he had picked out (chocolate with M&M's).
After dinner, we went to Redbox and rented a new Wii game for the boys to play. Caleb is really into video games like his big brother, so that was a fun treat.
It was a relatively low key but very fun-filled day with playing and enjoying special 'treats.'
After Monday, Caleb was sad that he didn't get special privileges any longer like always getting into the minivan first or getting to pick which seat he wanted. We were back to taking turns and sharing!
Happy 5th birthday, my little buddy! And many more!
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