After ice cream, we drove to Lititz to see the fireworks. We debated on where exactly to park. Knowing that Ryan would probably not appreciate the loud noise and yet the older boys would want to see made Daddy finally steer the car to the Weis on 501. We sat in the parking lot with many other folks who had the same idea.
We let the older boys sit on top of the front hood of the minivan. When Shawn went to get Schnook out of the car, he protested. He had NO desire to get unbuckled and was already exhausted. So, Shawn simply removed the headrest from the driver's seat and let him stay in the minivan with the door open. Shawn stayed with him while I stayed with the older two boys.
Eventually the fireworks started. There were some that were hidden behind the trees - our spot wasn't all that great. That said, we didn't hear any loud noises that made Ryan cry either. So, for this year, it was the best we could do to suit everyone in the fam.
After fireworks, we did some sparklers at home to finish off the night.
Ryan loves to play in our garage! He reminds me of Joshua at his age!
Joshua LOVES sparklers!
Here's Caleb giving them a try, too!
I didn't do any the night of July 4th, but we bought more over the weekend so we all could do some.
Shawn got some that changed colors as they went - neato!
He also got a couple "snakes" that looked more like a pile of poo to me when they were done burning.
The kids had a blast making letters with their sparklers.
Even Ryan tried it with Mommy helping him. He LOVED it!
Happy 4th of July!
We're thankful for our freedom and independence and the opportunity to live in America!
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