Thursday, January 10, 2013


These were some of the other pictures created on Caleb's 4.5 year birthday. I liked the collage above of all three boys, but I wish she would have gotten one of Ryan smiling.
The one above was the best one of the boys, but I'll admit that I cropped it. There was a few inches on the other side of Joshua and a ton above them. Her spacing was completely off. I also wish that they were in better birth order rather than Caleb looking so much lower - why have Joshua on the seat with Ryan and Caleb on the ground with the goofy monkey?
Ryan was pushing Joshua away in this picture and they all giggled. He did NOT want to be in the box, and she kept asking to put him in there.
Here was another collage she made. With the great picture of Joshua below, not sure why she picked the one of him above.
Here was a rectangular version of one of the photos she made. Ryan was pushing his older brother away.
Two other collages she made:
This was her first attempt at a photo. I love that they are all smiling, but none of them are looking and Ryan isn't even sitting up.
 Here are a few more tries:
 Caleb and Ryan look good, but what is Joshua doing?
Her spacing was completely goofy. I purchased one picture of Caleb and that was it. We'll try again sometime, I'm sure. Hopefully I'll get a different photographer and my littlest will cooperate better.

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