This past Thursday I went to the Moms in Prayer group for Nitrauer Elementary School. We focused on the MIP prayer sheet on God being our teacher. The lady leading this small group of moms asked if we could volunteer to read a verse. I said volunteered for Psalm 32:8. When I turned there, I found this particular verse was already underlined and called out with a bubble in my Bible from my recent reading of it. I was once again reminded that God teaches us in the way we should go and watches over us. (All the verses in this post were from that meeting.)
Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."
I felt like 2013 will be a year of change for us. We have a lot of decisions to make regarding Shawn's job, and then life in general. Is Lancaster, PA where we want to live permanently? Or, is there somewhere else God is calling our family? We want to be sensitive to His leading. While I thought I may never move from this area, I have been reading passages like these and various devotions that have talked about moving. For example, I was reading about Mary near Christmas time and the book noted that when Joseph dreamed that they needed to move to Egypt to keep baby Jesus safe, Mary didn't whine and forcefully stay behind but went along for her family's best interest. The placement of this sidebar didn't make a lot of sense for what the rest of the Bible study was about, but it spoke volumes to me. Is God preparing my heart for something different.
The answer is... I don't know. But, I believe that I can trust God and we WILL know.
Job 36:22 "God is exalted in His power. Who is a teacher like Him?"
We had just decided that we were going to send Caleb to another year of preschool. While he's academically advanced for his age, he's very shy. He will also be a very young five with having a summer birthday, and I've heard over and over again how much better kids do when they are older versus younger. While he's tall for his age and very easygoing, we want him to excel in all his endeavors. Then his preschool teacher stopped me in the hallway (based on my asking to see her for her thoughts on the situation) and she said that if it were her son, she would send him. She said he plays well with the other children, even though it took him awhile to warm up, and she didn't see his shyness being an issue. She said he's more than ready in the academic department and she didn't think he'd struggle with the social setting either. So, now we are going back to God and praying for wisdom. Is it better to hold him back? Or will we be setting him up for a life of boredom? I truly want whatever is best for him. I don't want to make the decision just based on kindergarten, either. Whatever we decide will affect him for the rest of his life - do we want him to be the youngest when it comes to driving, sports, etc?
Ironically (or not, since we know that God plans all divine appointments), the morning that his teacher approached me was the same morning of this prayer meeting. I looked at these verses and they gave me renewed confidence that we can trust that God will teach us, give us wisdom and direct our paths in His way. And I believe He wants what's best for our children as well. He loves them even more than we do!
Isaiah 48:17 "This is what the Lord says - your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: 'I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.'"
Another thing we had been talking about doing was the Spanish immersion program. Shawn doesn't think it's the way to go for Joshua, though. But, it could be a good thing. I don't think we're going to do it, but IF it would be in his best interest, I pray that God changes both our hearts. If it's not, I pray that we would have a big red flag that it's not meant to be.
Jeremiah 33:2-3 "'This is what the Lord says, He who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it - the Lord is His name: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."'"
Please pray for wisdom for our family - for Shawn's job, for the many
decisions we'll have to make this year, for our kids and their futures
and for a peace for us. May everything fall into place the way that it
Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in Your truths and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long."
God blessed us with three beautiful boys. Joshua Douglas was born on 9/18/06, 15.75" long weighing 3 lbs 4 oz. He stayed in the N.I.C.U. four weeks before coming home & then had the lower section of his left lung removed. He's been doing well ever since! Caleb Luke was born on 7/8/08, 20.5" long weighing 7 lbs 12 oz. Ryan Josiah was born on 6/7/11, 20.25" long weighing 7 lbs 14 oz. Praise God for our miracle babies!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Time to P! :)
Late last week we got out the play doh for the boys to play with. They always have fun with it and asked for it since we had done the play doh volcanoes. :)
This past week was "P" week in Caleb's preschool, so he got to wear his pajamas to school and eat pancakes for snack. :) :) :) He was excited for this special "party!
This past Friday we went to Park City Mall so I could pick up Caleb's 4.5 year portraits. We also checked out a few stores, and Mamaw bought Caleb a pair of jeans (now I need to throw out a few pairs that are extremely holy, particularly in the knees that give him extra 'air conditioning' in these FREEZING temperatures!). Thanks, Mom, for your generosity! Caleb always appreciates getting something new. :)
Afterward we let them play in the play area at the mall. They had a blast! Ryan especially loved the duck! He met another little boy his age who followed him all around.
It was fun to watch them play. Eventually Ryan got tired, so we left and came home after dropping Mom back off.
Speaking of "P" we have declared no more pull-ups for the boys, and on Saturday, January 19, Caleb was dry the whole night. I knew he was using the pull-up as a crutch. He just didn't want to have to go potty in the morning when he was still sleepy, so he'd pee in the pull-up after he woke up but wasn't quite ready to move yet.
Speaking of Saturday, January 19, all three boys spent the day at Nonie & Poppy's house. We met them after the gym (around 11ish) and Shawn & I had a great time shopping at Gabriel Brothers and just spending time together. It was SUCH a fun day! Nonie texted me that she was able to rock Ryan to sleep for his nap and he went down great. She also told us that Joshua ate THREE bowls of her homemade macaroni & cheese. All the boys LOVE it! They ate well and played outside and had a ton of fun with their cousin Jordon. They were so glad to get the chance to go. And Shawn & I were thankful for a day to shop and have fun, even though we missed the boys. It was P-erfect! :)
This past week was "P" week in Caleb's preschool, so he got to wear his pajamas to school and eat pancakes for snack. :) :) :) He was excited for this special "party!
This past Friday we went to Park City Mall so I could pick up Caleb's 4.5 year portraits. We also checked out a few stores, and Mamaw bought Caleb a pair of jeans (now I need to throw out a few pairs that are extremely holy, particularly in the knees that give him extra 'air conditioning' in these FREEZING temperatures!). Thanks, Mom, for your generosity! Caleb always appreciates getting something new. :)
Afterward we let them play in the play area at the mall. They had a blast! Ryan especially loved the duck! He met another little boy his age who followed him all around.
It was fun to watch them play. Eventually Ryan got tired, so we left and came home after dropping Mom back off.
Speaking of "P" we have declared no more pull-ups for the boys, and on Saturday, January 19, Caleb was dry the whole night. I knew he was using the pull-up as a crutch. He just didn't want to have to go potty in the morning when he was still sleepy, so he'd pee in the pull-up after he woke up but wasn't quite ready to move yet.
Speaking of Saturday, January 19, all three boys spent the day at Nonie & Poppy's house. We met them after the gym (around 11ish) and Shawn & I had a great time shopping at Gabriel Brothers and just spending time together. It was SUCH a fun day! Nonie texted me that she was able to rock Ryan to sleep for his nap and he went down great. She also told us that Joshua ate THREE bowls of her homemade macaroni & cheese. All the boys LOVE it! They ate well and played outside and had a ton of fun with their cousin Jordon. They were so glad to get the chance to go. And Shawn & I were thankful for a day to shop and have fun, even though we missed the boys. It was P-erfect! :)
Oh Shoot, Schnook!
The same night as I posted "Still Trusting" (Friday, February 18), Ryan Josiah gave us quite the scare! I'm still praising God for keeping His Word and being faithful to our family!
Our house is old. We call it "well-loved" but it was built in the 1950s (and before any of you who were born in the 50s cringe, I'm not calling people old but structures!). We've done a lot of work to our home, and it still needs some more - I think houses always need something more. Anyway, one thing that our charming older split level house has is a laundry shoot. The top of the shoot is inside the upstairs hall linen closet and the bottom goes to our laundry room. When we first saw it as we toured the house before purchasing, we thought we would rip it out. It's not the most attractive-looking thing. But, over time we've found that it IS handy! We use it all the time (and now I think anyone who would get rid of theirs is insane!). The boys put their clothes down the shoot and everything is ready for me in the laundry room to sort and wash, etc. We also do the same.
The boys enjoy putting their things down the shoot, and Ryan in particular has had a fascination with dropping things down when we've left the linen closet door open. He'll grab the boys' shoes from where they belong in their room and throw them down, he's thrown a ball down, and one night while I was in class, he threw all our CLEAN towels down from the linen closet itself on Daddy's watch. Ugh! Typically we catch him in the act and realize that we need to close the door. Most of the time it's been silliness.
But on Friday night, Ryan decided he wanted to lunge down the shoot this time to get the toy he just threw down. Shawn was right next to him, thank God! Shawn yelled for me to come help as he was hanging onto Ryan's legs. Schnook was SCREAMING! And I was terrified. What would have happened if he would have fallen the whole way down? Would he have snapped his neck? Would he have suffocated on the laundry below? Could we have gotten him out, even, because of the shape of the shoot at the bottom and how it turns up? I shuttered at the thought. Our neighborhood just went through a terrible tragedy. I don't think anyone could have handled news like that. I personally couldn't have even begun to imagine what might have been if something happened to my sweet baby...
But, Shawn was there. Ryan was safe. Within seconds our little man forgot about it. And I've been almost militant in making sure we keep the linen closet door closed until Ryan grows a little bigger. Neither of my other boys ever even attempted going down. Only a Schnook! But, it scared me enough that I didn't sleep much at all that night.
Thank You, God, for keeping our kids safe! We don't deserve Your mercy and grace, but we are humbly blessed by them. Please protect our children and keep them under Your wings. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!
Our house is old. We call it "well-loved" but it was built in the 1950s (and before any of you who were born in the 50s cringe, I'm not calling people old but structures!). We've done a lot of work to our home, and it still needs some more - I think houses always need something more. Anyway, one thing that our charming older split level house has is a laundry shoot. The top of the shoot is inside the upstairs hall linen closet and the bottom goes to our laundry room. When we first saw it as we toured the house before purchasing, we thought we would rip it out. It's not the most attractive-looking thing. But, over time we've found that it IS handy! We use it all the time (and now I think anyone who would get rid of theirs is insane!). The boys put their clothes down the shoot and everything is ready for me in the laundry room to sort and wash, etc. We also do the same.
The boys enjoy putting their things down the shoot, and Ryan in particular has had a fascination with dropping things down when we've left the linen closet door open. He'll grab the boys' shoes from where they belong in their room and throw them down, he's thrown a ball down, and one night while I was in class, he threw all our CLEAN towels down from the linen closet itself on Daddy's watch. Ugh! Typically we catch him in the act and realize that we need to close the door. Most of the time it's been silliness.
But on Friday night, Ryan decided he wanted to lunge down the shoot this time to get the toy he just threw down. Shawn was right next to him, thank God! Shawn yelled for me to come help as he was hanging onto Ryan's legs. Schnook was SCREAMING! And I was terrified. What would have happened if he would have fallen the whole way down? Would he have snapped his neck? Would he have suffocated on the laundry below? Could we have gotten him out, even, because of the shape of the shoot at the bottom and how it turns up? I shuttered at the thought. Our neighborhood just went through a terrible tragedy. I don't think anyone could have handled news like that. I personally couldn't have even begun to imagine what might have been if something happened to my sweet baby...
But, Shawn was there. Ryan was safe. Within seconds our little man forgot about it. And I've been almost militant in making sure we keep the linen closet door closed until Ryan grows a little bigger. Neither of my other boys ever even attempted going down. Only a Schnook! But, it scared me enough that I didn't sleep much at all that night.
Thank You, God, for keeping our kids safe! We don't deserve Your mercy and grace, but we are humbly blessed by them. Please protect our children and keep them under Your wings. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!
Monday, January 21, 2013
The Germ
I loved this poem in the book that Joshua brought home from his school library called "Winter Poems" selected by Barbara Rogasky. Here it is:
The Germ
A mighty creature is the germ,
Though smaller than a pachyderm.
His customary dwelling place
Is deep within the human race.
His childish pride he often pleases
By giving people strange diseases.
Do you, my poppet, feel infirm?
You probably contain a germ.
-Ogden Nash
Unfortunately, Daddy has a terrible cold with a TERRIBLE cough. I'm so tired of sickness!
The Germ
A mighty creature is the germ,
Though smaller than a pachyderm.
His customary dwelling place
Is deep within the human race.
His childish pride he often pleases
By giving people strange diseases.
Do you, my poppet, feel infirm?
You probably contain a germ.
-Ogden Nash
Unfortunately, Daddy has a terrible cold with a TERRIBLE cough. I'm so tired of sickness!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Still Trusting...
The other day I decided to skip my morning body flow class because I felt sore from the workout the evening before. So, I got up later than usual and was still reading my Bible
as the kids were getting dressed. After reading in my natural progression, I called the boys to come in to me where I was
sitting in the office to read Psalm 91, what I had just digested. Here it is for you to read, too:
Psalm 91
1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—
even the Lord, who is my refuge—
10 then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
even the Lord, who is my refuge—
10 then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”
I'll admit that with the recent tragedies, I've had questions for God. I confess that I don't understand. I believe God to be sovereign, all-powerful and all-knowing. Why would He allow a gunman to go into a school and kill children? Why would he allow our neighbor to have such a terrible accident that he would pass at only 9 years old? I've trusted that He will keep my kids safe, and yet when I realize that sometimes children do die, it makes me weep and almost feel...scared? I keep praying for our neighbors and I keep wondering how they even make it through the day. How can this awful tragedy be part of God's greater plan?
I believe that we were all created to praise God. I believe that we are to live our lives for His glory. Could even death be for the glory of the Lord? Only He knows what heaven truly looks like and what joy lies beyond the horizons that we can see. Was this somehow for these children's best interests? I honestly and truly don't know.
But, what I do know is that God's Word is truth. I believe it to be completely true and God-breathed. So, when I read Psalm 91 on Thursday morning, a peace washed over me and I had to share it with the boys. Read it again.
I told the boys that the Bible says that sometimes we entertain angels unaware that that's what they are - they may look like normal people to us, but they are really angels. There are even stories in the Bible like that. And the angels aren't to be worshiped, only God is. But, they are helpers. God promises never to leave us or forsake us. If we LOVE God and ACKNOWLEDGE Him (v14), God will protect us and save us. No harm will come to us and angles will guard our ways. I told the boys to look for the angels if there is a 'scary' situation and I'm not there. God will send His helpers. And when they pray, God will open their eyes as to who are the good helpers who they can trust.
I don't understand it all. I don't know how a family who also went to church can be so devastated by tragedy. I just keep praying for them. And I keep praying for my boys and their safety - will you pray for them as well?
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Word. We thank You for Your promises. We believe each one to be true because You are faithful! God, please send Your angels to guard our ways and the ways of our children. Let our foot not slip, may disaster not strike. May we live a long life that glorifies and honors You. And will You keep our neighbors in the shadow of Your wings. Hold them, help them, be near them... only You know what they need. Surround them with Your love and guide them with Your peace. Help us understand Your greater plan and picture. We still trust You. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!
I encourage you to read Psalm 91 again. I'm picturing us all being covered with feathers. What a great way to remember that we are protected by God's wings. Let's make the Lord our dwelling and refuge so that no harm will come our way. And if we experience times that are "not so nice," may we continue to trust in God's faithfulness and that it will ALL be worth it in the end!
Happy 76-month birthday, Joshua Douglas Good!
Joshua turned 76-months old today, Friday, January 18, 2013. This morning I really thought about how much he has grown since God introduced him to us nearly 6 and a half years ago. He is really blossoming into a neat kid! I told him when he woke up how much I trust him - he doesn't get into things, he doesn't color on the walls or dump things or do things he knows he shouldn't. I told him how much that means to me. I appreciate that he tries to do the right thing and make good choices. I am often told by different teachers or helpers how much he helps clean up, how he listens, and how kind he is to other children. He really is a good kid - growing right up into that name God gave him since birth!
Today, for example, he told me that he "clipped up" once again at school. He's done that several times this month already (enough that I lose track). Once he said the whole class did for doing well at something-or-other, once he said that he took extra time to help someone else clean up, and today it was because only he and two other kids followed the directions when it was time for their math test. I'm glad he's doing well in school and that he tries hard to be obedient.
I also LOVE to hear how well he's doing in school. He has timed math tests, and he always finishes them in more than enough time. He said that he was timed in school and finished quickly and easily. Most everything so far has come easy. I also received a paper home today that he already knows all the kindergarten sight words, so there was an attachment of all the first grade words that he can start learning as well. He already knew more than half of those (probably more than 3/4 quarters of them came with ease while others he had to think about what they were before he said it out loud, so I put a check by them to come back to).
The paper above was one he brought home today. It says "My hat is greay with a green tag." He wasn't sure if gray was spelled with an 'e' or 'a' since he's seen it both ways, so he put both in. How cute is that? I love it! One thing he's working on right now is spaces between letters. While his teacher says a finger space, being a lefty makes that difficult (it ends up being about double the space he needs because he has to right over the hand that's marking the space). When he tries to tighten it up a bit, he goes back to all of it together. We worked on it today, though, and I told him just to make a little dot next to his finger then move his hand and start writing. This went MUCH easier, so I'm hopeful that this will show him the relative space he needs for his own handwriting.
This was another piece that came home this week that I loved. It has his name at the top and says "Can you find my mittens? My mittens are Orangd [notice he put a 'd' instead of the 'e'] with blue qocados [his 'p' was backward like mine always were at this age, and he sounded out the rest of 'polkadots']." I thought this one was particularly cute in that he has all the punctuation in it, something else he's learning. :) :) :)
Joshua LOVES to exercise and hang out at the gym. But, I've noticed a few times where he's stayed behind to play with Ryan. I think that it's sweet that he interacts with his brothers. I told him he needs to be his brother's keeper, and he knew all about the story of Cain and Abel from the Bible. I was surprised! That was one I wasn't planning on sharing with them - after all, one brother kills the other. But, he said he learned it at our old church. And it's part of the Bible for a reason.
I just signed him up for t-ball this Spring. I hope he enjoys it. We have to do fundraising for it, which I dread. So, get ready, family and friends who are reading this! Haaa!!! But, I'm glad he has the opportunity to try new things.
Tonight as we were looking at the moon, he told me that he believes it's very far away - probably 150 miles! I love these little things and know that I probably won't remember all of them, which is why I write them down. He has another lose tooth, but it doesn't feel extremely loose to me. He only has two adult teeth (his front bottom) at this point. I keep praying that the teeth that come in will be stronger than his baby teeth and give him the handsome appearance that the rest of him already has! :)
I just noticed Joshua has had a growth spurt. His size 6 pants are becoming short enough I can see his socks, but he is SO skinny in the waist. We bought him a pair of 7 slim today and they are still a little baggy but a better length. He has been eating a lot lately and asking us if something has protein in it to make him big and strong. He loves salads, fiber bars (which we limit to one a day for obvious reasons, but they do help him in other areas), yogurt, butter bread or toast, waffles, pancakes, bacon, steak, pork, chicken, noodles, carrots, peas, cheeseburgers, fries and more!
Joshua reads easy reader books with ease, but he still enjoys just being read to most times he brings home a library book. His most recent one was a book of poems about winter. We talk about what some of the different phrases mean.
My boy loves his electronics. I've been limiting them, though, so that he plays other things and is more well-rounded. I think he'd play Wii or his DS all day every day if we let him. But, we've said "Wii" is for the "wee-kend" and when we do turn off the various media, he and his brothers are much more creative in their play and doing things together.
We've been doing the boys devotions at the breakfast table (when they are all gathered in the same area). On Wednesday morning, the boys' devotional was called "You're Awesome!" and talked about Psalm 66:3 "Say to God, 'Your works are amazing!'" It talked about compliments and how God might like to hear them, too. At the end it told us to shout together "You're AMAZING, God!" We talked about things we think are amazing that God does for us and who He is. Then we shouted together (the boys' favorite part, I think). I love how Joshua seems to really think about the verses we talk about each morning. It's been a fun way to start our day together.
Then we walk to school. There is a woman who is a helper as the buses come in who told me that the kids always look nice and we're pulled together and walk every morning and how much work it must take. And while it IS work, it is SO worthwhile! I love each one of my boys and am glad to have our mornings together. I thought her comment was sweet. I always give Joshua a kiss goodbye (while he'll still let me!) and tell him to have a great day. He all but skips into school, excited for his time with his friends and teacher.
He is really a sweet kid. He still has his fits when he's tired. He still has times where he will talk back or question why we've said 'no' to something. But he's starting to really understand reasoning. He's also starting to make his own choices and I love to see his growth in many areas.
I am thrilled God blessed us with Joshua. I think of him as a gift from the Lord. With all his health issues, I knew that God must have a special plan to keep him alive. I'm excited to see what that will be as he grows and matures. Happy 76-month birthday, my love!
Volcanoes Erupt!
On Monday when Caleb was home with me, I decided to try the volcano experiment again that we had done last year. I chose the "pumpkin spice" play doh that we had made together back in October and I had kept in an air tight container. It still smelled nice, and they looked a little more volcano-esque! I also had three dixie cups this time, and I still used three bowls. He helped me get out the supplies and was SUPER excited! We made the volcanoes while Joshua was in school because the Bean didn't want to help and they take time to dry.
That night after dinner, we started the eruption experiment. First, we took 3 TBSP of baking soda and put them in the dixie cup.
Next, we poured 1/3 cup vinegar into my measuring cup with a pour spout along with a couple drops of Dawn dish detergent.

Then we added food coloring to the vinegar - the boys each got to pick their own color.
The first night, Caleb picked green. The second day, he picked blue!
I let them pour their colored vinegar into the baking soda inside the volcano and watch the overflow!
They LOVE the lava spewing out! And they love the bubbles that came with the detergent!
Fun times in the Good home!
Joshua waited for Caleb's turn to be done and then he went. He picked green the second day and red the first day.
The red overflowed onto our table cloth because his volcano must have been leaned just a touch to the one side. He also just dumps verses watching and waiting and slowly adding more. But, it was still fun and not terrible to clean up on this nasty plastic table cloth I only break out for craft projects!
We let Ryan look at one. He was excited for the empty volcano! But, once I poured the orange liquid and it started erupting, he cried and cried. Not so exciting for him even though his brothers were in awe!
After the eruptions were complete, I dumped the excess liquid and dug out the excess baking soda and put the volcanoes next to the sink to erupt again and again for a few days until they tire of them. Then they will go in the trash. But for now, they've provided lots of entertainment for these boys! :)
That night after dinner, we started the eruption experiment. First, we took 3 TBSP of baking soda and put them in the dixie cup.
Next, we poured 1/3 cup vinegar into my measuring cup with a pour spout along with a couple drops of Dawn dish detergent.

Then we added food coloring to the vinegar - the boys each got to pick their own color.
The first night, Caleb picked green. The second day, he picked blue!
I let them pour their colored vinegar into the baking soda inside the volcano and watch the overflow!
They LOVE the lava spewing out! And they love the bubbles that came with the detergent!
Fun times in the Good home!
Joshua waited for Caleb's turn to be done and then he went. He picked green the second day and red the first day.
The red overflowed onto our table cloth because his volcano must have been leaned just a touch to the one side. He also just dumps verses watching and waiting and slowly adding more. But, it was still fun and not terrible to clean up on this nasty plastic table cloth I only break out for craft projects!
We let Ryan look at one. He was excited for the empty volcano! But, once I poured the orange liquid and it started erupting, he cried and cried. Not so exciting for him even though his brothers were in awe!
After the eruptions were complete, I dumped the excess liquid and dug out the excess baking soda and put the volcanoes next to the sink to erupt again and again for a few days until they tire of them. Then they will go in the trash. But for now, they've provided lots of entertainment for these boys! :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
A Monday With My Little Men :)
On Monday, Caleb & I decided to make snowflakes together. I looked up some examples online and it was a little more complicated than I remember it being between the folding and cutting. BUT, it was still fun. We each did one using a hole punch too, just to see the different effects. :)
I called Shawn and asked if he would like to meet for lunch. We've agreed to only meet once a month (unless it's summer time and we can eat a packed picnic lunch) to save money. We agreed that this would be our one day. We went to Chick Fil A where the older boys could play while Ryan sat with us to eat his lunch. The older boys ate in the car when play time isn't so important. :)
That morning, we also made our play doh volcanoes, which I will post about separately. After dinner that night, we decided it was high time we finish this rocket ship we've been working on since Christmas! The boys had already changed into their PJs when we brought out the final pieces and the 150 crayons tower to keep working on it. We had been steadily coloring for weeks.
Finally we finished! And Daddy started construction using the instructions we had kept in a safe place. Caleb said he was "Coach" and held onto the instructions when Daddy wasn't reading them.
Here are the builders together. Caleb asked where we got this gift, and I reminded Daddy it was from Santa. Santa purchased it at CVS, though, on Black Friday. :)
The first one to climb in to this very cool rocket was Caleb Luke. He was thrilled!
Big brother was quick to follow him in. :)
I love how cute they are! We told them they weren't allowed to fly away into outer space - and there was to be no taking off in the middle of the night. They giggled. :)
Ryan decided he wanted to go inside the rocket ship, too. We even allowed the boys to eat their bed time snack in there. :) They had a blast!

The rocket is still in our living room for now. The boys have had a lot of fun playing in it. The project is finished! :) :) :) Yeah! It had been a fun and creative Monday with my little men.
On Sunday, January 13, we invited our friends Chris & Lisa and their kiddos Isabella & Aiden over for brunch after church. I made a baked french toast casserole and bacon, Shawn made scrambled eggs and sausage, and we also enjoyed fresh-baked biscuits, the pumpkin spice muffins I had made with Caleb on Friday, fresh fruit, coffee and chocolate milk.
After we ate, the kids all played together and the adults enjoyed catching up. We talked about new houses and vacations and jobs, etc. It's always fun to see them. Ryan played the hat game with Mr. Chris (calling him "Bella" since the boys were excited for Isabella to come play! He also enjoyed saying hi to Aiden. The older kids played with toys, ran around and eventually played Mario Kart on our Wii.
We gave our friends some hand-me-downs for little Aiden that Ryan has outgrown and after they left, we cleaned up breakfast and eventually I took the older boys to the second Kings' Kids Choir of the Spring season. While they were in their classes, I joined a small group of women who use that time to pray for each other. They are all in a Sunday school class together, but I know a few of them from Study & Share. They seem like a sweet group.
When I was picking up Joshua, the lady in charge of the smaller children's group came up to me and told me that Joshua was a really great kid, very kind and very considerate with the other children. I haven't even seen this woman so much as smile before, so I was surprised and delighted by the news. I made sure to tell Shawn when we got home in front of Joshua, praising him for being a good boy when we're not around. He beamed. :)
We got the kiddos ready for school the following day and watched an episode of "Homeland" before calling it a night. It had been a fun day!
After we ate, the kids all played together and the adults enjoyed catching up. We talked about new houses and vacations and jobs, etc. It's always fun to see them. Ryan played the hat game with Mr. Chris (calling him "Bella" since the boys were excited for Isabella to come play! He also enjoyed saying hi to Aiden. The older kids played with toys, ran around and eventually played Mario Kart on our Wii.
We gave our friends some hand-me-downs for little Aiden that Ryan has outgrown and after they left, we cleaned up breakfast and eventually I took the older boys to the second Kings' Kids Choir of the Spring season. While they were in their classes, I joined a small group of women who use that time to pray for each other. They are all in a Sunday school class together, but I know a few of them from Study & Share. They seem like a sweet group.
When I was picking up Joshua, the lady in charge of the smaller children's group came up to me and told me that Joshua was a really great kid, very kind and very considerate with the other children. I haven't even seen this woman so much as smile before, so I was surprised and delighted by the news. I made sure to tell Shawn when we got home in front of Joshua, praising him for being a good boy when we're not around. He beamed. :)
We got the kiddos ready for school the following day and watched an episode of "Homeland" before calling it a night. It had been a fun day!
Happy 1/11!
The number 111 is my favorite. As I was praying in high school that God would send me a husband, I would notice the clock being 1:11 am when I felt He was saying "YES!" And an amazing husband He sent me indeed! I have held the number 111 as precious as it reminds me of God's faithfulness and love for me. So, whenever I see it, I smile. Sometimes it's on the clock, sometimes it's the number of calories I've been burning at the gym, and once a year it's a date on the calendar. :)
On Friday, 1/11, I took Caleb & Ryan shoe shopping. I bought Caleb a couple pairs of shoes (one brand new pair that he was THRILLED to pick out himself) and a couple pairs of used (but 100% washable) shoes that are that high-end Tsukioshi (sp?) brand that we love so much. The used ones are only $3 a pair, and they looked almost brand new! His favorites were a pair of red ones. I bought Ryan two pairs of used ones (one for now, one for the future) and I got Joshua a pair of used ones for the future. They were all in great shape and since I can wash them, why not?
Later that morning before picking Joshua up from school , Caleb asked if he could wear his Luigi costume again. He LOVES it! And he might as well get some use out of it for the money it cost! We decided to bake some pumpkin spice muffins. He enjoys helping in the kitchen, and every time I read Ryan his "cake book" (AKA "You Can Do It, Sam!") I want to bake. :)
I took the boys to the gym that afternoon, and Caleb did the "Little Ninjas" while I did pump and ran. That evening, Mamaw asked to have the boys spend the night and agreed to watch little Ryan too while we went to dinner. We had a gift card to Red Lobster from Christmas from Grandpa Georgia, and I called ahead. They were on an hour wait, and we knew we had to take the kids to Mamaw's yet, so the timing worked out perfectly! I had fed them pizza for dinner and packed their overnight bags, and they were super excited!
Daddy bought me these two dozen beautiful roses to celebrate the day. :) I asked if we could get a picture together, which he normally doesn't like but said okay to.
We picked up Ryan after dinner, and the boys handed me the pictures they drew me. I LOVED them!
Joshua's says "I Love My Mom" and had hearts all over it. Sweetness. Mamaw said they both went right to bed at 8 pm and slept well until almost 7 am. I know they played hard that day with no naps! Ryan also went to bed easily that night, but he woke up upset at midnight and we held him for a little while. Eventually he went back to sleep. Shawn & I looked at all sorts of options for traveling on our upcoming anniversary before calling it a night. Hopefully we'll get something booked soon!
I love love! :)
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