Friday, September 7, 2012

Dutch Wonderland 2012

Shawn's work picnic to Dutch Wonderland was Saturday, September 1. It always falls on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. This year, they opened the park to Dart employees a half an hour earlier and had a separate entrance to get through the lines faster. This was SO fantastic and allowed us to get in much quicker than previous years. I would give it a big thumbs up! They also take a family picture and give us a free 5x7 each year, which I also think is really nice.
Our first stop once getting in was the Turnpike. I took Joshua first and then Caleb while Shawn volunteered to stay with Ryan and whichever older kid wasn't with me. I didn't mind, but he seemed like he wanted to. The first older child with Daddy went down the silo slide while the second one did another ride. Both boys smiled for their pictures on the turnpike, which turned out really cute (these are the cars that they drive while I simply sit next to them). But, the pictures from there are EXPENSIVE so we opted not to buy any. Next, I jumped on the back of their little trucks that go around. Shawn agreed to take a picture of us, but Joshua just wanted to make silly faces.
I didn't get out my camera much throughout the day as we were riding. But, we had a great time as usual. Ryan didn't ride much. I wish we could have found a babysitter for him. By next year he'll be joining in the fun!

While we were in line for the choo-choo charlie (that's what these cranky cars are), we saw Dr. Sanchez - the pediatrician who we saw daily for a week while Joshua was so severely sick. She was the one who sent us to the hospital eventually. She seemed glad to see us, and I confirmed my suspicions that she's expecting again - due in November. It made me extra glad that she would continue to see us - I can't imagine expecting my own child and then taking care of another one who was sick with something that they couldn't diagnose. She had been so fantastic! It was nice to see her and her family out.
Shawn rode on the Turtlewhirl with the two older boys while I stayed away from it. He also took Caleb on the space shuttle (Joshua opted to stay with me). We ate lunch there as a family (and the food isn't all that great, but it beats paying for something at this expensive park!) and then we watched the frog 'n princess show for awhile. The kids were in awe at the divers!!!
Daddy took both boys on the bumper cars (separately, of course) and Caleb rode Duke's Dozers while we waited for Joshua, and Joshua rode on the frogs that go up and down several times while we waited for Caleb. We never made it to the boats this time round. But, I did take the boys down the fun slide a couple times while Shawn stayed with Ryan. My boys LOVE that slide!!!
The kids did the wonder whip (which they always laugh on) and we road the train as a family, allowing Ryan a ride to enjoy. When it was time, we left to go home for naps and dinner. At dinner, after discussing the idea with Shawn, I agreed to take the two older boys back to Dutch Wonderland. Daddy had had enough walking on his sore ankle and had no desire to go back, but I didn't mind. At one time, a 2:1 kiddo to parent ratio would have scared me. This time, I was thrilled! There were still rides we couldn't do because a parent needed to accompany the kids, but we just stuck to ones for which that wasn't the case. The boys rode the fighter airplanes at least five times when we got back. They also begged me to go on the Turtle Whirl, which I did even though it's not my favorite. We had fun, though!
At the end of the night, they begged to go on the skyline. We were at one end of the park and would have to walk the whole way back or we could ride in the sky on that car that is somehow attached to a little tiny shaking cable. If you know me, you know that I am TERRIFIED of heights. I'm even a little whoozy looking down from the fun slide. I also got sick thinking of keeping a fidgety Caleb Luke still for this ride. He was pretty beat, though, and his fiestiness had left for the day already. I looked at him and told him if he moved, he would fall from the sky and most likely die on the ground - he couldn't even wiggle without putting us all in danger. Could he handle that? He quickly agreed. He wasn't old enough or tall enough to go the previous year, and he found this to be a special privilege. Joshua had been so scared the year before when he and I rode that we ended up spending the entire ride praying to get off. His fear only increased mine, but I had to stay calm for him. I asked him if he still wanted to go, remembering how high up we are and how much the car sways. He agreed he really wanted to go. I finally gave in. I watched as other parents put their children on and had a game plan for how to get the three of us on there. I gave Joshua instructions to try and get on himself while I put Caleb in the seat, promising to help him once Caleb was situated if he needed it. There's a sign that says "Ride Does NOT Stop" so I knew the seconds were precious once it was our turn. Joshua also understood and he jumped up into the seat while Caleb stayed perfectly still as I got him seated. All three of us were on with time to spare. My stomach was in knots as we climbed higher and higher on this tiny cable - who ever invented this stupid ride, I wondered? We were higher than the trees. The people below looked smaller than ants. I continued to pray for our safety. The boys were extraordinarily still. And while Joshua gripped my hand with fear, he didn't cry like last time. And Caleb kept his shoes on and himself in check. We made it to the other side - only to have the attendant not paying attention to open our door and let us out. I shouted for him and he said "Whoops! I got side-tracked." We had to make a quick exit before the thing took us back to the other side of the park again. But, we were safe. And we were heading home after a really fun, long day!

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