Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Fall Fire

On Friday, September 21, after the boys' doctors appointments and Shawn got out of work, we headed to the Paradise campground where Shawn's parents were staying. They made yummy BBQ for dinner along with his mom's deviled eggs. The boys were exhausted and fell asleep on the way there, but they played nicely with their cousins and overall did better than I expected. Ryan isn't a great age for campfire, but he was in love with the cheese curls that he was eating in his stroller, so he stayed content most of the time we were there.
They also had a cake to celebrate the birthdays - Joshua's was the Tuesday before and Grant's was coming up on Sunday with Gayle's right behind him on Tuesday. Above you'll see Brian's family (all the pictures came from Papaw's camera again) and below is Joshua opening his gift from Aunt Missy - thanks again!
Shawn's parents called us the next day to see if we wanted to do lunch, and we said sure. We hadn't really seen them much this trip. We went to Red Robin - yum! Caleb highly enjoyed his grilled cheese and apple slices while the rest of us also enjoyed our food, along with the mile-high mud pie. Not carb-friendly but totally worth the calories, in my opinion. Caleb told Joshua where we had been while he was gone, and the Bean was not thrilled that we went there without him. I told him I'm sure we'll go again sometime. At least he got to see Papaw & Mamaw one last time that evening - we ended up meeting them for dinner that night at Pizza Hut off Route 30. Ryan batted his eyelashes at some younger pre-teen girls who, along with their mom, thought he was the cutest thing ever. They kept his interest while we ate (that and the pizza, which he enjoys). When they left, an older couple took their place in the booth next to our table. Once again, they were talking to him as he grinned from ear-to-ear at their table. He is such an easygoing child! They seemed to enjoy seeing the baby (which is good because some older people love kids while others really don't).
After dinner we said our goodbyes since they wanted to clean the camper that night before leaving in the morning. See ya'll next time! :)

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