Saturday, May 26, 2012


One day in mid-May, Grandpa Georgia stopped in (as he often does) for a cup of hot tea and brought the boys two dinosaurs to share. Each one picked their favorite - Joshua's you can control and open its mouth, etc. and Caleb's will walk and make noises with the push of a button. They were super excited for these yard sale finds.
Thursday, May 24, Shawn was gone all day for a business trip to Michigan - he left before 4 am and got home late that night. It was a LONG day for him, but I was glad he was able to come back the same day (although leaving that early in the morning he may want to go the day before and spend the night since I was awake then from about 3:30 on that day).
Here's a picture of Ryan getting into things he shouldn't. He's cruising all around these days, and he doesn't mind being on his tippy toes to try and reach things!

That evening, we went to the mall with Mamaw to look for summer shoes. Caleb picked a pair of Lightning McQueen & Franchesco Crocs while Joshua was excited about the ones that turn colors in the sun. They are green & blue typically but turn completely blue in the sunshine. Caleb wanted to wear his to bed, and he finally took them off when we insisted on it. But, the very next morning he came into our room in his monkey pajamas, a very wet pull-up and two red Crocs on his feet. :) When we went for a walk on Friday, Joshua was thrilled to show me how his Crocs turned blue in the sunshine and then back to green when we were in the shadows of the trees. Everyone we see gets to hear about their special Crocs. I should take a picture of them - they live in them now. :) :) :)

Thanks, Mamaw, for the gift! The boys also shared some soft pretzels there before we left, and Mamaw bought Ryan and Joshua each a new shirt. :)We had fun shopping, and it was a nice way to end the day since we didn't have Daddy to look forward to that evening.

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