Who would have ever guessed that PA would be this nice over the winter months? We've had weeks that have been over 50 degrees. The last two weeks we've hit into the upper 60s and even 70s. It's gorgeous. We are LOVING all the play time outside!

The week of March 12 was Spring break for both me and the kiddos. We didn't go away, but we did enjoy our time off. We spent most mornings at the gym. I was worn out! And I found out I had strep throat besides, as did my sister and my niece. I got some antibiotics but kept on going. I was tired, but not down and out. I think with all this nicer weather, the germs haven't frozen off this year like they have in past years. The kids have been enjoying their time getting activity there, but I haven't taken any pictures, etc.
On Wednesday, Mamaw watched the older boys while I took Ryan for his well-check. Afterward, we went and got Ryan his first pair of sneakers. He is a size 3.5 and they are great with flexible soles, covered toes but open and airy that he could wear them with or without socks as the weather gets nicer. He leaves them on his feet, too, which is more than I can say for his socks. He loves to chew on everything, and he's chewed on the soles of his shoes even when they are on, but he doesn't yank them off and they don't seem to bother him. :)

Every day that it's nice out and we can, we go for a walk around our development (I love that we have sidewalks!). Near our house is a house similar to ours that has a BEAUTIFUL apple tree. I've never seen any quite like it, and we always stop and appreciate it's beauty. I love that it buds in the spring and we watch the apples begin to grow in the summer and them harvest them in the fall. It's so neat to see it as it changes seasons, and their entire yard is perfectly manicured (as they pay people year round to keep it tidy - I'm pretty sure these folks are extremely old and may have even been the original owners of this immaculately kept house).

As we've been walking lately, we talk about all the pretty flowers we're seeing (the daffodils are in full bloom as well as many other spring flowers). We have been seeing the gorgeous pink trees in full bloom. I told the boys that while I love those trees, there's a tree that's my very favorite. Could they guess? Eventually, Joshua guessed the apple tree. Then he asked me to guess what tree he likes the best. When I asked which, he replied "OREO trees!"
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