St. Patrick's Day was a really fun day this year. I had seen all these neat craft ideas to do on Pinterest, like printables saying "I'm Lucky to Have You" but I didn't do any of them. Instead, we just enjoyed the day. I picked out the boys outfits, each in green. Joshua wore his pocket t-shirt, but I realized that it's getting too short. I'd say this was probably the last time he'll wear it. Caleb wore his long-sleeved baseball t-shirt with green sleeves, and Ryan wore his Quarterback shirt that's green. They all looked adorable! I don't know why we didn't get any pictures! I put on a green t-shirt from Old Navy that was $5 that was a St. Patty's Day special with a four-leaf clover on it, and my black work-out pants.
We headed out the door and went to Chick-Fil-A in the morning to get free breakfast sandwiches since we had coupons from its opening week that were about to expire. Thereafter, the older boys & I went to the gym. Nothing like working out on a FULL stomach. But, it was still fun. I love the Jazzercise class there! I saw my sister Jen, also in green, and her kiddos that morning. In some of the songs they had green hats to wear and pass around, and we each got a green Andes mint when we left. :)When we got home, I got a quick shower and fed the baby and then my sister Becky arrived. She was picking me up to treat me to lunch at Sugar Plums & Tea, a place we've both wanted to try. Shawn agreed to watch the boys so I could go. She was saying thanks for us giving them an airline ticket that was expiring and we couldn't use. It was a bummer, too. We had a couple free vouchers, but we looked at our budget and realized that we couldn't afford the boys' tickets and we couldn't leave them behind either. At least someone could use them extremely last minute when we realized they were literally about to expire that weekend. I enjoyed lunch there, and it was nice to visit with Becky, who I don't get to see all that much.
When I got home, we all quickly changed out of our green and into our black for our family photo shoot. I specifically wanted one with all our faces together for a frame I have, and even though I requested it from our photographer, I know that none of these will work. He was TERRIBLE! I should have insisted on getting my favorite gal. He put down his camera in hopes of making Ryan smile, but even if he did give a half grin, the guy's camera wasn't ready. I told him that as long as the baby was looking, take some shots. By the time he finally listened, my other boys were about done. I was also getting annoyed. It took forever, and Ryan is scared in general of new men. He's not around anyone but Daddy most times, so it takes him awhile to warm up to strange men. And the camera guy was strange enough that I personally wouldn't have wanted to see him in a dark alley at night, if you know what I mean. I was a little disappointed with our pictures, but they're cheap enough to get and we can schedule another time to go back. So, I guess it doesn't really matter.
I got some nice photos of Joshua, and that was the original intent of scheduling the portrait session around March 18, which is Joshua's 5.5 year birthday exactly. I try to get each one of the kids' pictures taken at the 6-month mark. It's incredible how much they can change in just six months!
When we got home, it was later than I was expecting. But, it was a beautiful day outside. Shawn said that he'd take me out to dinner if our babysitter was available, so I texted her and she said she didn't have any plans. Yeah! We called around to see if any outdoor patios were open. We were hoping maybe the one down the street, but alas their outdoor area wasn't available yet. So, we ended up at Loxley's. But, their outdoor dining was seriously a joke. The entire thing was enclosed so there was no sunlight at all, and they had a couple open canvasses that people would shut who sat next to them to get rid of the glare. It was like a cold indoors. :( :( :( Bummer! I thought maybe Daddy would go for green beer for St. Patrick's Day, but he ordered a diet coke instead. We enjoyed our time without the kiddos. We prayed they would all be good for Miranda, and they were really easy. When we got home after dinner, Ryan had slept the entire time in his crib (since he missed his afternoon nap) and Caleb fell asleep watching a movie. That meant it was just Joshua and he is always captivated by any movie. So, she had an easy night, which is what I'd prefer.
We drove around a little after waking the boys, and I think I gave them a bath that night. It had been a fun day, even if I didn't even drink green milk or make it for the boys. Some year we'll have a treasure hunt and do all the fun things that I have dug out to do for St. Patrick's Day fun. This year, we had enough going on that day!But, I must say that in looking at all these pictures, I do feel really lucky to be in our family. I am blessed beyond measure by my amazing husband. And I love our three little boys with fierce intensity that only a mother can. I am so glad that each one is in my life!
I recently finished reading "Heaven is For Real" and I'm not sure if I believe it all (not that I don't think they believe it, but I'm only really required to believe what's in the Bible). Anyway, in it, the little boy said that in heaven, the men fight the devil at the end of the age with Jesus while the women and children are on the sidelines. While the dad in the story was a little worried at first about the comment, he little boy quirked an eyebrow at him and said "Dad, you know Jesus wins, right?" The dad finally found peace in the situation and said "I guess if Jesus wants me to fight, then that's what I'll do." The boy is serious and agrees "You will, Dad, and just remember that Jesus wins." I've thought about it a lot lately. Is that why I'm training these little boys? As they grow into fine young men, will they be able to ward off the enemy and fight in the battle ahead of them? IF there really is a battle at the end of ages, I'm praying that they stand firm. And while I wanted a girl and would still be thrilled to have one, I'm actually thankful to have my three little men along with their Daddy. I am praying that I will be able to arm them with the Sword, or the Word, as they grow.
So, maybe the word isn't really "lucky" but blessed. I believe that nothing is by chance. I've been given a "GOOD" name by God, a Good husband and three Good boys. They have all lived up to their name. :)
Enjoy the pictures! I still have to drive over and pick up the couple that I purchased. And while I wasn't thrilled at the photographer this time, I like that JCPenny's has changed its pricing strategy where all pictures are now $4, not just coupons, etc. And since I have its little savings card, there aren't any sitting fees. The only hassle is the driving back to get them, but hopefully I'll remember sometime soon when I'm already near the mall.

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