Friday, February 24, 2012

The a-bottle-able snowman

On Saturday, February 18, Mamaw called and invited the boys & me over to her house (she gave Joshua the sweater she knitted for him, and you can see him modeling it in the picture above). We had been working on coordinating a day that would work for us to go there so Daddy would have some peace and quiet to do our taxes uninterrupted. Other things had come up on different days (like Caleb getting sick), so when she called that morning, we said it was a good plan. I had asked if she would like to work on a snowman craft from my Family Fun Magazine with us, and she said sure.
I had bought all the supplies we needed from ACMoore when we had went shopping together earlier in the month. We had also been saving "Lemishine" bottles after they were finished because they looked like the perfect size. First, we cut the bottoms out of the plastic bottles. This was by far the most difficult part of the entire craft. Then, we covered our work area in old newspapers. Mamaw brought down scraps of fabric for the scarves and buttons for the eyes and mouth. I had the white tissue paper that I cute into scraps. Then, I filled two paper cups with some white glue and mixed in water.
For the bottles, the boys brushed the glue/water mixture onto them and then placed the white tissue paper scraps over the glue. I called them "stickers" and they were easy to do. We helped cover in the 'holes' and add another layer of the glue mixture on top of the scrap paper when they were finished. Then, we did the same thing for the lids - this time using black tissue paper scraps.
The boys were soon off and running and playing with Mamaw's dusters, so we let everything stay there and dry until Monday, February 20 (or President's Day). That morning I had a doctor's appointment, so Mom watched the boys for me while I was gone (thanks so much!). When I got back, I used a hot glue gun to glue on the buttons for the eyes and mouth. I had brought an orange pipe cleaner (different from their instructions) and cut it into pieces and bent it for the carrot nose. I hot glued that on as well. Then I took the fabric scraps and tied them into a scarf and put a dab of hot glue to keep them in place. When all said and done, after screwing the hat back on, you put a battery-operated tea light candle underneath your snowman (where you cut away the plastic bottom) and he illuminates. They are actually pretty neat! I was impressed by how easy this craft was. The directions made it sound like a lot of steps (to me) but another mom had said it wasn't all that difficult, and I would agree. I'm glad she encouraged me to try it.
The boys love their little snowmen! We gave one to Mamaw to keep in her basement with her other winter decorations. We have more tissue paper and bottles, so we may even make more this winter, if we would get any snow especially. It's been relatively warm this winter, but that's great with us! We can have fun with our homemade snowmen rather than the God-made kind. :) :) :)

During our time at Mamaw's that morning, Daddy had finished up the taxes and filed them. So it was productive for him that we were gone. On Monday, after we were finished with our craft, we went to Stauffer's for their community appreciation days. They were supposed to have a free make-it-take-it craft that we never found. But, they did have free hot dogs that we fed the boys for their lunch and free snacks at various stations throughout the store that they gave the kids. Each of the older boys received a bag when we walked in and then they filled them up with the different snacks at each station - animal crackers, fritos, popcorn, chips, oreos, etc. So, they have lots of snacks now! Mamaw also bought them some M&M's and an Easter Pez dispenser for Caleb. They loved it! I also was glad to have some groceries, too. It was a great start to our week. :) :) :)

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