Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy 64-month birthday, Joshua!

Wednesday, January 18, Joshua turned 63-months old. And even though the baby stages are what brings 'huge' changes month-to-month, I still see growth and transformation in my oldest boy as he ages. One thing he did this month that made me go "He's really growing!" (something I say often) is a change in the way he plays the game Trouble (or Mater Trouble, which is the version we have). He and Caleb take their turns and would always try to take a piece and move it the number of spaces that the dice in the bubble was popped to - only there would be several times that they couldn't land on themselves or they could no longer move that many because they were already home (or at the checkered flag). Now, Joshua has been counting the spaces in his head before picking up the piece. He knows where it should land and can jump the correct piece easily to its new spot versus having to try a couple before he got one that would work. It's amazing to watch his mental abilities change!
Right now, Joshua is super into his new Wii game from Mamaw called Super Mario Brothers. "Into" doesn't even begin to describe his obsession. We haven now limited his Wii playing to weekends so that he still enjoys other activities like like reading books, playing with other toys and having fun. If we let him, I think he'd play Wii from the moment he woke up until he went to bed. He will talk about what level he's on and how to conquer it, which is fine for us since we understand, but he'll even try to describe it to strangers who have no clue what he's talking about. So, I'm trying to work with him in having moderation in his life (something I'm still working on for me!). 
Another thing we're working with Joshua on is how he begins interaction with other kids. I've noticed that extremely aggressive kids are drawn to him because he is boisterous. I watched it unfold the other morning when we were early to preschool. He let out a roar and struck a pose with his arms up, and the kid grabbed his arm and went to kick him. While Joshua is loud, he's not rough, but other kids don't understand that. So, we're trying to work with the Bean to be himself but also be aware of how he first comes across so that he doesn't get hurt. I had a moment of panic last night as I confessed to Shawn that I'm not ready for our little Bean to go to kindergarten yet! What if he gets hurt? What if I can't protect him? Again, I have to remember that GOD is the One who will be there for my baby, even when I can't be. But, I pray for wisdom in how we parent that we can guide Joshua to make good choices that will help him develop friends and good relationships. Please pray for him, too. Even now would be a good time!
There's a little girl at preschool who has a big crush on Joshua (her mom told me). I asked Joshua, "Who do you like at preschool?" He proceeded to tell me about the wild boys he hangs out with. Then I prodded a little more: "Are there any girls in your preschool class?" He said "I think Sarah is nice." Indeed, this is the little girl who likes the Bean. How cute! She's a sweet little thing - very shy and quiet and an amazing artist for her age. I think this age is adorable. I'm not sure Joshua even thinks about girls yet. And I'm hoping it stays that way until maybe college age! Haaa!!!
Joshua is also working on his math skills these days. Today for snack, I gave them grapes. I was giving Caleb five grapes, but I only put two on his plate and asked "How many more do I need to give him to equal five?" Josh immediately said "Three more!" I like to play fun math games with him. He will ask funny questions (or amusing to us) like "How many is 100 plus 6?" When we answer "106," he'll say "Wow! That's a lot!" Haaa!!!
I'm also working with the Bean on his sounding out words and reading. I can tell the books that he's memorized and ones that he's truly reading by how he sounds as he's reading them. He sounds like us (or a faster pace with voice inflection) when he's simply memorized the book but he's slower and really sounding out the words with a flat tone when he's working on reading. I love to hear both versions. He's so proud when he finishes a book! I love to see him feel like he's accomplished something. He likes to read "Don't You Feel Well, Sam?" in addition to his other books that he can read.
Another area that I see huge improvement in is his ability to write. He used to struggle through his homework, depending on what letter he was supposed to write over and over again. Many letters he wants to write backward, and I would correct his spacing (using the midline and baseline). But, on the most recent homework papers he's done, his writing has been great and the look of 'hard work' and frustration has been replaced with one of ease. He's still working, but I can tell that he's more confident and thinking through the project. I'm simply amazed by his ability to do it on his own and show me what he's done. :) :) :) Great job, buddy!
Joshua loves to play with his dinosaurs and he recently brought home a book from the library called "Dinosailors." It's a cute rhyming book that we've both enjoyed reading together (me reading and him looking at the pictures and telling me what's going on). It's adorable, one I would recommend borrowing if you're a mom of boys!
Joshua continues to be a big helper, and I'm trying to be conscious of giving him new things to do to build his skills. Shawn & I will discuss where we think he's at and what tasks we think he's ready to handle. We probably don't give him as much as he's capable of because he's our oldest. But, I'm glad when he accepts new challenges. He does well with taking his dishes off the table and putting them in the sink (I think soon it will be in the dishwasher). He does a fantastic job of cleaning up his room and the office/play room and putting the toys where they belong since everything has a home or correct spot to be. He also is a great big brother to Ryan and plays with him. I have to remind him not to get too excited and be gentled with the baby, but he does well with making Ryan laugh and laugh at him.
Another huge area of growth in Joshua this past month has been his sharing. The other day, both he & Caleb asked for the "crayon bowl" for their breakfast. I explained that we have to take turns since we only have one (goofy, if you ask me) bowl that has a crayon decoration on it. Neither boy was budging, and then all the sudden Joshua said "You know what? Caleb can have the bowl. I will share with him and get it next time." I told him how proud I was of him for making a good choice. He shared again the next meal time when they both wanted the same plate, even though I gave him the option of picking first since Caleb had the special bowl at breakfast. Again, I encouraged him for sharing. That night, Caleb offered to share with Joshua, who was appreciative. Joshua's good choice was a great example for his little brother, too! I made sure to tell Daddy how amazing Joshua did with it.

Joshua always likes to go first when we play games, but I told him the verse about the last going first and the first being last. So, he's graciously let Caleb go first since then - not always, but he's not as frustrated at taking turns. This is an area where I can tell he's growing and maturing.

Joshua loves stories and Bible stories, and I can tell that the Bible verses and stories that we're telling him are sticking more. I LOVE it! How I hope that these are things he'll continued to remember! :) I am so proud of my little Bean, and I love him so very much! Happy 64-month birthday, Joshua!

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