Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy 42-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

On Sunday, January 8, Caleb turned 3 and a half years old. In so many ways, he seems older than three to us! We often deal with him like he's as old as his older brother, but he's truly just three and does demonstrate that in many ways, including his bouts with obedience.

Caleb LOVES hats! He will wear his Woody hat around and pick up other random hats to wear. When Mamaw & I were shopping on Sunday, we saw this hat at the Children's Place and she bought one for the boys (thanks, Mom!). He wore it the rest of the day.
Caleb has been amazing me lately with his comprehension of math. We were sitting with a pile of Ritz crackers in front of him at snack time. He said, I have six crackers. Now I'm going to eat one and I'll have five crackers. If I put them in two piles before eating one, I'll have three crackers in two piles. After he had eaten a couple crackers, I said "You have four crackers. Since you started with six, how many does that mean that you ate?" He said "TWO!" He loves to count with his fingers, and he knows that two fives are ten. We have told them that if they want to know what things add together, put up that many fingers on each and then count all of them. We've been practicing at random intervals (if we're shopping and they're bored, or we're eating dinner and ask us a question, etc). Caleb's comprehension of these math skills (while only small numbers) for his age is impressive to me. :) :) :) But, then again, it should be since I'm his mama.
Caleb is SO much like his Daddy! In many ways, that's a really good thing. He is relatively care free, and he doesn't let the little things bother him. He will try to see how things work and stays with it until he figures it out. Athleticism seems to come naturally to him. He tripped one day heading out the door, and I really thought I was going to be picking up pieces of his face off our front porch the way he was heading, but he somehow turned it around and landed like a cat on his feet.

Caleb marches to the beat of his own drum and likes to do things his way. But, he's quiet about it like Daddy. I tell him to do something one way, and while he'll say 'ok' he still does it his own way. Sometimes that works and other times it's infuriating. But, it makes him unique. When we play yahtzee, rather than seeing what he rolls and then trying for that many of the same kind, he'll pick one that he wants to roll and sticks with it. He looks at things from a different angle than we do. But, he is super sharp in so many ways that I often take a second to see if his way might be right. :) Every once in awhile, I have to smile at my boy!
Caleb & Joshua will make up their own games to play and love to have fun together. As they were going through one another's tunnels, Joshua said "Caleb, what's the password?" They keep making up different ones. When it's Caleb's turn, however, he says "What's the passenger?" We think that this version is so cute that we don't correct him. :) :) :)
Caleb loves to help do laundry, and he always tells me whose clothing he's pulling out of the dryer and handing to me to fold. He & his brother are learning to take their dishes to the sink when they're done eating a meal. I realize it's about time that they could be learning to do other things like setting the table, etc. I never want to teach them things out of my own laziness but I'm trying to do so to make them good children and eventual good citizens. When I met my husband, he was doing his own laundry and cooking, etc. whereas I have some friends whose husbands "wouldn't survive" without them (and while I'm sure this is an exaggeration, sometimes I think it might actually be true...). I want my boys to be able to do things for themselves and be confident in their abilities.
Caleb's favorite activity that we do is puzzle books, I think. He loves to find hidden pictures, and he's even good at solving some of the different mazes and picture puzzles. His teacher seems highly impressed by his ability to write, and I've noticed that he is the only one in preschool is required to trace both his first and last names while the other students are asked to try just their first names.

My boy's favorite food has moved from PB&J sandwiches to plain noodles. Nothing on them, just plain noodles are one of his favorite foods that he asks for all the time. He also loves cheese sticks and applesauce, and I think his favorite cereal right now is honey nut cheerios. We've been trying to work with the boys on trying whatever we're having for dinner. Caleb used to be more adventurous than he is now. We're telling them that they don't have to clean their plate, but they must try everything. He was the only one that seemed to think the sauerkraut for New Year's Day wasn't intended to poison him, but he didn't want to try the pork. Eventually he did, and he seemed to like it. His tastes change as he grows, though.

I love Caleb's expressions. He sort of wrinkles up one eye when he's got a mischievous look, and it's SO stinkin' cute! Speaking of cute, Shawn & I say that his cuteness comes out of the woodwork at night after we've tucked them in bed. Both boys wait for this exact moment to do their business on the potty. Then, they both want another drink of water. Then they want more snuggles. Caleb tells us how he loves to cuddle, which is typically just at night. He'll say "But I didn't give you a hug and a kiss yet" even if we've given him ten already. He loves belly zerberts, and he loves to stay up for as long as possible at night. He'll tell us a noise scared him just to come see us. We eventually take him back to bed and finally he'll pass out, often with the blanket off of him and all sideways on his bed like he literally fell asleep standing up.

Caleb still struggles with extremely sensitive dry skin. I feel so bad for him! But, I read at the dermatologist that kids often outgrow it. Please pray that he does! And pray for his overall health and well-being. We love our little Caleb Luke! Happy 42-birthday, my sweet little man!

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