Friday, November 11, 2011


The first week of November was 'Z' week at preschool. They played the Z game where you exchange the first letter of your name with Z. The Bean LOVED this game (and by sounds, so did the rest of his class as I heard other moms tell me that they had a similar experience to our family). Joshua came home and said "You know, Mommy, if my name started with a Z it wouldn't be Joshua, it would be ZOSHUA!" He laughed and continued "Instead of Caleb, we'd have ZALEB!" All day, we continued with the game "Daddy would be Zaddy! Mama would be ZAMA! Mamaw would be ZAMAW! Papaw would be ZAPAW!" Caleb got in on the action. They went through every aunt, uncle, friend and person we could think of. That was our conversation at dinner that night as well. But, I have to admit that I loved that Ryan would be Zyan! I actually had considered the name Zion for my little baby, but I realized that many times the Bible refers to Zion as a "her" even though I've heard it used before as a boy's name. Shawn said he didn't love it, so we moved on. But, I loved Zyan (spelled differently) as a name. My little Ryan Josiah is perfect as is, but it was fun to play z'game with my boys. Caleb will still tell us how some words would be different if they started with a Z. Oh, I love my silly boys!

The other night after dinner, Joshua said "Thank you, Mommy." I told him to thank his daddy. While I'm normally the cook, Daddy had popped a pizza in the oven that night while I was feeding the Schnook. Joshua thanked his dad and then announced in a loud voice to me, "A job well done!" I looked at him and asked if he meant Daddy and he said "NO, I meant me! I did a good job!" We burst out laughing. He had finished his dinner and was giving himself a pat on the back for another "job well done." Haaa!!!

Caleb also makes us laugh like his big brother. The other night, I suggested we all cuddle in our big new bed before tucking the kiddos into theirs. Caleb loves to hide under covers and then said "let's play hide n seek instead." Joshua had just left to go potty before bed, and Caleb threw open the door and said "FOUND YOU!" Joshua jumped a mile and let out a startled shriek. He didn't know we were playing Hide 'n Seek and all Shawn & I could do was laugh. Poor guy!

Caleb often tries to get us doing other things rather than nap or go to bed. He is the first one up these days and fights going to sleep, not wanting to miss a moment of life! He fell over the weekend just before nap time, so Daddy scooped him up and let him sit on the couch next to him. I came down a minute later with the baby, and I asked what Caleb was doing up. Caleb's response was "Mama, IF you don't scream or be too noisy and you sit nice, you don't have to go up to naps!" Thanks for the permission, my little man! You are so silly!

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