Saturday, September 3, 2011

Caleb Preschool

Wednesday was Caleb's preschool open house. We opened his brand new backpack that morning, and I put his ziploc bag of extra clothing in it that is required by the preschool. I also had all my paperwork done, and I made sure to have my checkbook along to pay (ouch!). Caleb was SO excited! Mamaw arrived right on time that morning to watch Joshua and Ryan so I could have some one-on-one time with Caleb on his first experience in a real preschool classroom setting.

Before we left that morning, of course I tried to get a few pictures. He looked SO handsome! And so big! I can't believe my little 3-year-old boy is growing so quickly.
We were one of the first parents to arrive that morning for his open house, so I went right up to the woman collecting forms and money. Then we headed to the classroom where only one other little boy was at the time. I was genuinely surprised by all the parents I recognized! There was the drummer Jeff from the city campus worship team, there was the parent coordinator whose daughter had been in Joshua's class two years prior (and I see her at Bible study), there was another gal that I've run into in several places besides preschool (she just had a baby a month after Ryan was born), etc.
Caleb told me he had to go potty when we arrived. For the toddler classes, there is a little potty right next to each room. So, I took him and showed him where it was. I think he may have been the only child potty-trained in the room by sounds. He hung up his back-pack before going on the hook marked with his name. Then his teacher, Mrs. Siebert, helped him complete a craft. He was shy and wouldn't talk to her at first, putting his hands on his face. But, she helped him complete a tie-dye shirt painting and talked to her the whole time. He LOVED it! They first squirted paint onto half a cut-out shirt shape, then they folded it and she helped him push it together and when they opened it, it truly did look like a tie-dye shirt! So cool!
The room filled up fairly quickly then, but he got to play at the various areas including the train table and blocks areas. He plays so well by himself and had no qualms about me leaving for the parent meeting. Another little gal cried and fussed the entire time, so I think the teachers were most focused on her. They seemed glad to have a little Caleb Luke in their class who's easygoing. He's also about a foot taller than most of the other kiddos in there, and I'm going to guess he's the oldest in the class or pretty close to it.
He is thrilled to be going to preschool this year! I'm excited for him. He's been working on writing his name and can do it all by himself these days, which is great! He is my bestest Caleb!
That night we went to our friends' (the Buckwalter's) house for dinner. Karisten made an amazing meal of chicken enchiladas, salad, homemade applesauce and homemade strawberry pie. It was excellent! All four kids had a great time playing in their backyard then as we watched and chatted. We love this family! We have so much in common with them, and we feel so blessed to have met them through our church. The kids ran and ran and had a ton of fun. We left there when it was time for Ryan to eat and the other kiddos to get to bed. Ryan had been struggling with constipation for a few days to the point that I was going to call the pediatrician. Well, let's just say that afternoon and evening gave him relief (and us a LOT to clean up!). Okay, enough said. Anyway, it was a good day all around. Caleb had a good first experience at school and we had a great time with our friends that night. We came home and all the boys got a bath (Mamaw had helped me by bathing them the previous day before I left for class, but they were completely filthy again by the time that day was done - such is summer life!). Joshua was looking forward to his first day the next day... more on him to come!

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