Monday, May 16, 2011

Blogger Sucks

I know the title of this post isn't necessarily wonderful, but it's the best word I can think to describe this web program right now. Unfortunately, anything posted after May 8 has been lost in cyber land. There was some major outage and while they said everything has been restored, it's a crock according to what I'm reading and seeing on my own site. So, now I have to re-create the posts that I had already put up and it makes me leery of adding more. But, I do this site as memories for my kids (thank God I've already printed the books of the years 2006-2010). So, I don't want to quit now. Hopefully they figure out whatever their problem was and fix it for real so this never happens again. If you are wondering why I've been on hiatus, there it is.


Mom said...

I did wonder why some of the things I have read previously were no longer there.

Jessica said...

Wow! I guess I should check mine, although I am so far behind on my posts, that maybe it didn't affect me b/c I ahven't done any for May. :~ I am so sorry that happened to you b/c I know from experience how long it takes to keep the blog up to date!