2006 at a Glance
I was listening to the song, "So this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over...a new one just begun." While this year flew by, we have so many precious memories worth sharing. I will never forget a sermon we heard by Bob Hazelett in the beginning of the year who said that 2006 was the year of triple blessing. He referred to scripture and what He had discerned from the Lord, and then he prayed over anyone who wanted more of God's blessings. Shawn and I went up to the altar, and Bob said that he believed he was hearing that we were being blessed with real estate. There was no way he could have known that we were settling on a house - we hadn't told anyone in our church yet.
The blessing of our home
We settled on our house in the end of February and began cleaning every inch of the house, painting every room, carpeting the upstairs, and doing more work than we would have ever imagined. While it feels like a never-ending process of updating, we absolutely love it here now that we have Joshua. The layout is fabulous for a family, we think the private back yard is perfect for us, we are so close to the elementary school and all the fields and playgrounds that go with it, and the location is out of this world. It was truly a blessing when we were making trips back and forth to the NICU since it only took us about five minutes to get there and back. We love the openness of the first floor for entertaining since we knocked out that wall between the living room and dining room, and there is no cozier feeling than snuggling up by a nice fire in our family room. We weren't sure that this was truly a "blessing" at first, but we know now that it is exactly where we were supposed to be.
The blessing of our jobs
Shawn worked this entire year for Dart Container, where he truly respects his boss. They have been great to work with him on allowing him to go to my doctor's appointments and Joshua's. He has also been given new responsibilities and able to grow in his work there, which is important to him since he is so intelligent and needs new challenges to thrive. I think he likes the purchasing aspect of his job. He has also done really well selling laptops and other items on Ebay for extra income. I worked this year right up until the day I went into the hospital as Marketing Manager for Masterpiece Marketing, a busy marketing/ad agency specializing in Christian ministries. After having Joshua, I resigned but have been able to do some writing from home to make extra money, which has been a real blessing for us. I was also honored when Millersville University called me this summer to see if I would be willing to teach in the fall. Even after hearing that I was expecting, the department chair was okay with me giving it a shot, and I only missed one week. I received a great review and have been asked to come back this Spring to teach a different course and then teach the same course in the fall. This has also been truly a blessing as I have loved teaching, it occurs after Shawn gets out of work (and I can do grading at home while watching the baby), and it provides steady income for our budget. While we're still not where we would like to be budget-wise, we have seen God's hand guiding our steps and providing opportunities for us to make the income we need.
The blessing of our church
Shawn has been asked to head up the A/V team at our church, which is responsible for making sure the words are displayed on screen for worship songs, any kind of visual presentations that the church does via computer, etc. I have been blessed as part of the worship team, playing the piano and singing. We have also loved helping out with youth group. Through these times, we feel like we've been ushered into the very presence of God. We have also received prayer support and encouragement from our church family in so many ways!
The blessing of our son
I will never forget our vacation this year over our anniversary to Daytona Beach, where we stayed in a gorgeous 3 bedroom 2 bath condo with full kitchen, dining area and living room right on the beach. The place had indoor mini-golf, a huge pool and hot tub, was within walking distance to all the shops, and did I mention a gorgeous beach? We even upgraded our car rental to an Infiniti G35, which Shawn has always liked. Since we had free airfare and an extremely reduced room rate from someone who couldn't use their condo that weekend, we felt blessed to have such a "richy" cheap vacation. It was there on our anniversary that I took the pregnancy test, and Shawn and I checked it together and found out we were having a baby! We curled up together in a blanket the next morning and sat on our balcony as we watched the sun rise over the ocean, and we both realized that our lives would never be the same.
From there, we saw God's hand every step as we were terrified over umbylical cord cysts that were non-existent, and we heard through my niece Grace that Jesus had our baby in His hands (singing about it to the tune of "He's got the whole world in His hands"). Then, we both cried when they couldn't find the baby's heartbeat and we were rushed to a STAT ultrasound at the hospital. Later, we were horrified when we were told that our baby had a mass on his lung and the prayers over his life and breathing began. Then we rejoiced when we found out we were having a boy. We kept going to ultrasounds and seeing our little one because of his health issues, and it was so great to see him all the time and how he was progressing. The doctor nicknamed the baby "Jumping Bean" since he was so active. I remember reading through dozens of baby book names at Barnes & Nobels, creating a list, and finally letting Shawn pick the ultimate name. What a name! Our son would need to be strong and courageous, and we have heard over and over again that he will be a leader of peoples.
I distinctly remember that Saturday in September when we called the doctor because I thought I had a migraine. I went into the hospital with a headache (which turned out to be extremely high blood pressure and kidney failure) and Joshua was delivered via emergency C-section two days later. My first look at him when my eyes were able to focus without the heavy-duty drugs I was on...it was amazing! I beamed with pride at my new little bundle of joy, all 3 lbs 4 oz of him.
His scrawny chicken legs have grown over time, and now he weighs a whopping 12 lbs 1 oz!!! I have seen him grow from needing an isolette warmer to not fitting his clothes. We celebrated his first smiles and coos of delight. We are still learning how to be the best parents we can be, and we continue to pray over our precious little one. I was listening to the CD that Gayle, Brian & Grant got Joshua for Christmas and it has a song "I was born to worship" and thinking about Joshua being born to praise God just gives me goose bumps.
The blessing of our family and friends
We felt so much love and support from family and friends this year! From mom buying us appliances for our house to all of our family helping us paint to friends and family helping us move in...we felt very fortunate to have everyone in our lives who gave us a hand. Then when we were experiencing issues with our son, the encouraging emails, prayers that went to heaven on our behalf, the cards and notes we received...again we were blessed. When the baby arrived, Shawn's family filled our fridge and cupboards with groceries, did some much-needed lawn maintenance, picked up our nursery furniture that we had just bought but hadn't had the time to go get, and made sure our house was ready for us to come home. My mom bought us so many things that we needed for Joshua but couldn't afford, and she still comes over to this day with formula and diapers in hand. She has blessed us by watching the baby when we've needed to go somewhere, too. Gayle and my sister Jen lent me maternity clothing, which was SO great! And Alicia and Brian & Gayle and Jen & Mike have lent us things from their kids that helped us not have to buy so much. It was great that Jordon and Joshua were born around the same time because his clothing has been fabulous! Bonnie has come over during the day occasionally to give me a break, too. We've also had many friends bring us meals, which came in so handy when all we could think about was rushing back to the hospital to see our baby. Erica, who we have nicknamed "Nanny Jo" has stayed with us for weekends to give us some sleep and also made us dinner several times. The Ginders have also bought us things for Joshua and been a big part of his life already. And the list goes on...we have felt the honest concern and care from all of our friends during this time as well as unconditional love from our family. We couldn't ask for more!
The blessing of health
After Shawn tearing his ACL and my breaking my wrist at the same time a couple years ago, we recognize that we have been fortunate to not have any accidents this year. I also came so close to dying this past September...closer than I probably even realize...that we know Jesus Himself has touched our lives to give us the ability to live longer on this earth and enjoy our time with each other. Shawn, Joshua and I have all been healthy this entire year as far as I can remember. I didn't catch any major illnesses during my pregnancy, and since Joshua has been home and we've had to be extra cautious, we've all felt great! Hearing what my friend Jen is going through, I know that we can't take for granted feeling well every day. We have been truly blessed!
The blessing of each other
Shawn has been the most amazing husband. He rose to the occasion in the hospital as he was in the room during my C-section, helped me go to the bathroom and shower while I was barely able to move the day after, and constantly made sure our son was doing okay in the NICU. He has been a great father to Joshua already, and I know that he'll be a great dad always. More than that, he has been a faithful husband...always loving, always encouraging, always supporting. I am so thrilled to have him as part of my life - he is my best friend and love of my life.
More blessings than we can count!
I could go on and on about how God has provided for us, given us cars to drive and food to eat, clothing on our backs and a roof over our head. He has given us talents and abilities to enjoy life to the fulleset. We have people surrounding us that mean so much...the list goes on and on. The most special blessing of all is knowing that we have eternal life in heaven from the work done on the cross where Jesus died for our sins. May we never lose our focus on Him even with the day-to-day worries and victories. He has been faithful to us!
What a year 2006 has been for our family! I am looking forward to a special 2007 together!
God blessed us with three beautiful boys. Joshua Douglas was born on 9/18/06, 15.75" long weighing 3 lbs 4 oz. He stayed in the N.I.C.U. four weeks before coming home & then had the lower section of his left lung removed. He's been doing well ever since! Caleb Luke was born on 7/8/08, 20.5" long weighing 7 lbs 12 oz. Ryan Josiah was born on 6/7/11, 20.25" long weighing 7 lbs 14 oz. Praise God for our miracle babies!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Growing SO Big!
It's official! Josh
ua is now wearing 3-6 month clothing. He must have had a growth spurt over the weekend because none of his things he was wearing fit him. Even his 3-6 month clothing fits a little too well now, not at all baggy. So, I'd say we'll be out of this size, too, before we know it. I can't believe how much he has grown! Just three months ago, he was barely fitting into premie clothing. You'd never know it now!
Last night Nonie and Poppy came for dinner along with Jordon. Shawn and Mike went
to get the freezer my mom bought us for Christmas, and they also brought the high chair they bought Joshua for Christmas. Joshua was smiling at Jordon - it was too cute!

This morning we have an appointment for Joshua to get his RSV shot. Poor little guy! We'll see how much he weighs now. My guess is over 12 lbs. Tonight we might possibly go shopping, tomorrow night I'm hoping to go to a worship drop-in Christmas gathering while Shawn watches Joshua, an
d Saturday morning I'm getting together with friends for breakfast. Unfortunately, Shawn has to work New Year's Eve to do year-end inventory, but at least he gets Monday off. I wish we had another 3-day weekend. Actually, I wish we could all be home all the time. But, as the old saying goes, "Those who don't work don't eat" and I would add don't have a place to live or clothing to wear or a car to drive, etc. I'm so proud of Shawn for supporting our family.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Our family had an absolutely amazing weekend. On Friday, Pastor Matt and his daughter Rebekah came to our house to exchange Christmas gifts. It was nice visiting with them! Beth came later that day to give Joshua a gift - an adorable swimming outfit complete with trunks, hat and t-shirt. That night, I asked my mom to come over to watch Joshua so I could surprise Shawn with a night out. We went to see the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness," which I would highly recommend. Shawn watched Joshua that entire night so I could sleep. It was soooo nice!
morning I made pancakes, scrambled eggs with two types of cheeses, and bacon along with freshly brewed coffee for breakfast. Shawn and I ate at our breakfast bar on my pretty pointsetta plates. Later that evening, we went to visit Shawn's Grandma & Grandpa Kennel at Garden Spot Village, which was Joshua's first time of seeing these great grandparents. While Grandpa Kennel isn't always mentally in the same room with us, we had a nice surprise. We gave him a picture of Joshua for his room and when he was asked if he knew who it was, his eyes beamed as he proclaimed, "JOSHUA!" It was a great memory for our family.
Sunday was Christmas Eve and Joshua went to our church for the first time. We sat on the balcony so that he would be less apt to see a lot of people who might be sick. While some folks spotted us and came up to say hello, everyone was very polite and didn't touch, kiss, or breath on our precious little one. It was great to be there! Joshua was not as excited to sta
y quiet as you might think, so it was a little challenging but over all a great experience. That afternoon we went to Shawn's sister Missy's house to celebrate with his parents and that side of the family. It was wonderful! Joshua got so many gifts, which truly blessed us. We also received some very exciting presents from Erica (thank you SO much!) for me, Missy for Shawn, and Shawn's parents. It was a nice afternoon. Shawn's parents and sister Erica left for Tennessee for the week, and we went home and invited my mom and Jamie over to watch "the Devil Wears Prada." Typically we would have watched Griswold's Family Christmas Vacation, but we rented this movie specifically because my mom wanted to see it, and it has to be back today. It was nice to sit by the fire and relax watching a movie. When they left, Shawn and I hung out a little b
it but this is the first year we waited to open our gifts until Christmas morning. We want to start new traditions with Joshua.
That night, Joshua didn't sleep a wink. I stayed up with him until about 5:30 when I asked Shawn if he could take him so I could sleep for an hour or two so that I wouldn't be cranky at our Christmas festivities. I woke up around 8 and Shawn had a french vanilla cappacino waiting for me. We opened our stockings and gifts under the tree while Joshua "talked" to us and smiled all morning long. It was SO adorable. Shawn and I agreed that his being so incredibly happy was our best present that morning. His entire life has been a miracle to us! After taking turns getting a nice hot shower, we got the baby ready and packed presents in our car and went to Mike & Bonnie's house for brunch and gifts. It was very nice.
When we left there, we went straigh
t to Mom & Jamie's. We took a quick nap in their spare bedroom while we waited for my sisters and their families to arrive. We ate an incredibly delicious supper and opened an enormous amount of presents that were absolutely perfect. It was nice to spend time with the family. We left around 8 p.m. and came home and started putting things away until we were so tired we couldn't keep our eyes open. We fell into an exhausted sleep, including Joshua who slept relatively well overnight. It was a beautiful Christmas weekend. My favorite gifts of all are Shawn and Joshua. I also LOVE spending time with our families, who have blessed us with holiday traditions over the years and made many special memories for us. We love you all!

Sunday was Christmas Eve and Joshua went to our church for the first time. We sat on the balcony so that he would be less apt to see a lot of people who might be sick. While some folks spotted us and came up to say hello, everyone was very polite and didn't touch, kiss, or breath on our precious little one. It was great to be there! Joshua was not as excited to sta

That night, Joshua didn't sleep a wink. I stayed up with him until about 5:30 when I asked Shawn if he could take him so I could sleep for an hour or two so that I wouldn't be cranky at our Christmas festivities. I woke up around 8 and Shawn had a french vanilla cappacino waiting for me. We opened our stockings and gifts under the tree while Joshua "talked" to us and smiled all morning long. It was SO adorable. Shawn and I agreed that his being so incredibly happy was our best present that morning. His entire life has been a miracle to us! After taking turns getting a nice hot shower, we got the baby ready and packed presents in our car and went to Mike & Bonnie's house for brunch and gifts. It was very nice.
When we left there, we went straigh
Friday, December 22, 2006
Perfect with a capital 'P'!
Yesterday, my mom stopped by in the morning with Grace and Faith (my two older nieces) for a few minutes because they've been feeling okay and dying to see baby Joshua. They didn't stay more than five minutes, during which time I was feeding him. When they got back to Grandma's house, they each wanted to play with a bottle and feed their doll babies. Too cute!
Shawn came home from work in just enough time to take Joshua to CHOP. Normally after a surgery we would have seen a nurse practitioner and one of the surgery "fellows" (who's not a fellow at all, I might add) but instead of a nurse practitioner, Dr. Adzick came with her to see us. He updated us on the progress they were making about my complaints. Unfortunately, Joshua who had been smiling right up until the point they came into the room promptly started to cry so I didn't hear too much of what he was saying. I noted to them that the last time he saw those two, he was being cut open (although, truly he would have already been out). Shawn heard it, though, and was satisfied that they were thoroughly researching and investigating and taking the proper steps to make changes as a process. After listening to Joshua and checking out his wound, Dr. Adzick proclaimed that he looks "Perfect with a capital 'P'!" The pathology report didn't show any surprises either. Now we have to make an appointment for six months to go in and get Joshua an Xray. After that, I believe we're going to be finished with health issues forever! AMEN!
Joshua seems to love the car. He slept most of the way down and back. That gave Shawn and I a good chance to talk about goals for fixing up our house, saving for retirement, our family, etc. It was nice. On the way back through, we called my sister Becky to tour her brand new big house that they just built. She moves in on Saturday. We must have worn the baby out because last night he woke up at 11, 2, 6 and then got up to stay at 9 (I had already been up for well over an hour and he continued to sleep). I got real rest inbetween feedings. It was awesome!
Shawn came home from work in just enough time to take Joshua to CHOP. Normally after a surgery we would have seen a nurse practitioner and one of the surgery "fellows" (who's not a fellow at all, I might add) but instead of a nurse practitioner, Dr. Adzick came with her to see us. He updated us on the progress they were making about my complaints. Unfortunately, Joshua who had been smiling right up until the point they came into the room promptly started to cry so I didn't hear too much of what he was saying. I noted to them that the last time he saw those two, he was being cut open (although, truly he would have already been out). Shawn heard it, though, and was satisfied that they were thoroughly researching and investigating and taking the proper steps to make changes as a process. After listening to Joshua and checking out his wound, Dr. Adzick proclaimed that he looks "Perfect with a capital 'P'!" The pathology report didn't show any surprises either. Now we have to make an appointment for six months to go in and get Joshua an Xray. After that, I believe we're going to be finished with health issues forever! AMEN!
Joshua seems to love the car. He slept most of the way down and back. That gave Shawn and I a good chance to talk about goals for fixing up our house, saving for retirement, our family, etc. It was nice. On the way back through, we called my sister Becky to tour her brand new big house that they just built. She moves in on Saturday. We must have worn the baby out because last night he woke up at 11, 2, 6 and then got up to stay at 9 (I had already been up for well over an hour and he continued to sleep). I got real rest inbetween feedings. It was awesome!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Five Days Before Christmas
Today Joshua was doing much better. We had Grandma over for breakfast (ham & cheese omelet and croisssant with hot tea) this morning, and the baby got a bath the minute she walked in the door because seconds before the door bell rang, he created a mess like I've never seen before. I immediately threw all his clothing, my clothing, his changing pad cover, and everything near by in the washing machine. He slept 'like a baby' afterward, and I got lots of writing done.
This evening, my best friend Suzanne came over with her husband Greg and brought us takeout from Fiorentino's. It was great! Greg is finishing up his doctorate at Harvard, and they live in Cambridge, MA. It takes about 8 hours to make that drive, so I don't get to see her as often as I would like to. She makes dinners for new moms at her church and said she wanted to bring us a meal - they are too sweet! We sipped freshly brewed coffee by our fireplace and chatted most of the evening away. I can't wait until they move closer to us!
Tomorrow we take Joshua to CHOP for his follow-up appointment. We should hear the results from the pathology report where they sent the mass to be examined. Dr. Adzick will also look over his scar to make sure everything healed properly. Joshua seems to be doing so much better that I'm anticipating good news. This will be our last visit to CHOP for the next six months, where they will do another Xray just to make sure that there isn't any compensatory growth. I'm believing we are done with surgeries and health issues! Praise God!
Monday, December 18, 2006
I'm 3 months old today!


Tomorrow we're supposed to bake cookies at Nonie's house. We'll see if everyone is feeling well in the morning. I don't want to catch anything! Mommy has a few writing jobs to do, which she is grateful for during this holiday season.

Sunday, December 17, 2006
Holiday Festivities
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Baby Talk
The night before last, one of my mom's friends saw Oprah and forwarded me the link on that special. It was about a woman who discovered the meaning behind sounds that babies make. http://www2.oprah.com/tows/slide/200611/20061113/slide_20061113_350_102.jhtml
Neh = I'm hungry! (when you hear an 'n' that reflects a sucking noise meaning he's hungry)
Eiirrr = I have gas! (when you hear an 'r' that reflects that he's holding his lower stomach muscles because of gas)
Heh = I'm unc
omfortable! (when you hear the 'h' that means that he needs changed, moved, or is too hot or chold)

Ooww = I'm tired!
Eh = I have to burp! (when we have to burp, you leave your airway open and kind of grunt to get it out, so the noise that comes out is 'eh')
I've been studying Joshua, and this seems to hold true. I'm so impressed!
Yesterday, Nonie watched Joshua for an hour so I could go with my former co-workers to a Christmas luncheon. It was so nice to see them! And, it sounds like Joshua was a doll and slept the whole time. Last night, Joshua and Shawn had father-son
bonding time while I went to youth group to give the teens an update. I loved being there and seeing everyone again! When I got home, Shawn gave me the biggest compliment and said that he was impressed I get done as much as I do with Joshua during the day. He said he couldn't do anything while I was gone because the little guy constantly wanted to be held, and with his smiles, it's hard to put him down.
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Tonight I am giving the final exam at Millersville and then I'm done (other than inputing grades) until mid-January. However, I still need to write the syllabus for next semester and organize that class by examining the textbook. I've been so blessed by this job and the opportunity to stay home with Joshua during this critical time in his life! My mom reminded me that we are millionaires the other day - I wouldn't give Joshua up for a million dollars, so I have more value than that laying in my crib every night. Praise the Lord!
Also, another quick update. Both of my twin friends have had good reports. Jessica's baby looks like it's doing just fine, and they are still looking into why she's losing weight. Jen's lesion on her brain looks like it is just an infection and she will be taking strong antibiotics for a few months to help get rid of it. She's also been put on a special diet for migraines. Praise the Lord for His unending faithfulness and love for us all!!! More Christmas miracles to rejoice about!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Smiles That Light Up Your Day

On Sunday night, Dr. Adzick called again and I had the opportunity to speak with him. He said that they were dismayed by our experience at CHOP, and his administrator who he brought with him when he moved from San Francisco was launching a full investigation. He assured me that they had never received a complaint like this before so he was taking appropriate a
ction. He also asked about Joshua, which I thought was extremely nice. My sincerest desire is that no other child gets neglected under their care.

One thing I love about our son is that he is a snuggle bug and loves to be held and cuddled, which is also highly inconvenient when you have a million things on your to-do list. Oh well - he's only little for a short time, righ
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Here are a couple pictures of him smiling, which is hard to capture on camera. He doesn't seem to enjoy getting his picture taken, so I have to be sneaky about getting the camera out at the right moment. He always moves or stops smiling right at that time. But, here are a few that show you just how adorable he is when he gives you one of those grins of his. It's wonderful!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
O, Come Let Us Adore Him


This weekend, we have been blessed by Aunt Erica staying with us. She helped put up our greens and red bows out front, which looks great! (Thanks, Nanny Jo!) Joshua gave her a great big smile.
I got my hair cut (thanks, Grandpa Georgia, for the gift certificate for Christmas!). Then last night, Shawn let me sleep while he watched the baby. It was sheer heaven! This morning, I was able to go to church since he didn't have to be there. It's always nice to worship with other believers. I had written a long letter to Dr. Adzick concerning our issues with Joshua's stay at CHOP. He tr
ied calling me from home while I was at church. I'm looking forward to speaking with him, and my respect level for him has been heightened by his responding. This afternoon I plan on visiting with Aunt Erica (and Shawn, of course), giving Joshua a sponge bath, and continuing to address Christmas cards. Please let me know what you have been up to! I love seeing posts to the blog and emails - it makes my day.


Thursday, December 7, 2006

Having our son this close to Christmas with all the medical issues he has had has given me such a realization of the true miracle of Jesus' birth, death and resurrection! It was no small task for God to give up his only son, perfect and blameless, so that we might have victory over the enemy in our lives. I stand firm that the work of the cross is over these situations, and I pray for peace in their lives as they see a present-day miracle unfold.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Free at Last!
We're home!
While at CHOP, Joshua hit the double digits for weight - that's right, we now have a 10 pounder here! His eyes also look great, which is also nice to know. Last night, Joshua didn't sleep one wink. We think he may not have been feeling well. He was grunting and displaying other signs of pain, so we gave him the correct dosage of tylenol. He was still fussy, but not as bad. I think it also takes some adjusting to keep switching beds and the environment that you're sleeping in, etc. He's also had terrible gas, which makes his belly upset. Today, though, he's happy as a clam while I'm thoroughly exhausted. This afternoon we go to the pediatrician for a follow-up appointment for him. I was trying to get a picture of him smiling, which he's been doing all day today even without any rest, and instead by the time the picture took, he's giving me this look of "why do you keep taking my picture, mommy?" By the way, I added other pictures from while we were at CHOP by those posts for you to see. I just loved the little hospital gowns they had for babies!

Monday, December 4, 2006
Quick Update
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Homeward Bound...the Incredible Journey
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His Mercies Are New Every Morning

Looking on the bright side, our son did very well with surgery. They even fixed his hiatal hernia, which would have caused him more problems. He has survived everything, and we'll be able to take him home with us to grow and lead a normal life. We have seen God's hand throughout our time here, even before we arrived. For example, since I resigned from my job we have been on an extremely tight budget. My mom came while I was teaching at Millersville the night before Joshua's surgery and gave us cash to cover our food expenses while here. Shawn's sister Missy had called us and let us know that his side of the family had gone together and gotten us a WAWA giftcard for gas that we picked up on the way to the hospital that morning. And, we have been extremely blessed to get one of the five rooms the hospital has for families of patients for free for the past two nights. We haven't had to worry about food, transportation, or where we will sleep or shower. And, if our Heavenly Father cares about the little details in our lives, I know He cares deeply for the well-being of our son. Joshua is truly in His hands.
Today, our son has been doing much better. The medicine was all ordered at once, so we don't have to wait for the pharmacy anymore. He does seem to be doing better since the chest tube was removed, and we can even hold him now, which he absolutely loves. He even started eating last night, so they removed the IV that was giving him nutrition. He is still laboring some with gas, and every once in awhile he will cry. But, they said that that's very normal since he is learning to breath with just one and a half lungs instead of a full two, and he just underwent major surgery. Shawn and I still aren't impressed with the level of care over the weekend from this

On another note, we read today that Joshua's surgeon is the one who convinced the medical community that surgery is possible on babies in utero, and this facility is one of the only two in the whole world that will perform surgeries in the womb. He has saved many lives doing that, and there have been people from all 50 states and over 46 countries coming to have surgery performed. Joshua truly got the best of the best as far as the surgery was concerned (even though this guy has less personality than my hairbrush, as far as I can tell). But, what matters is that Joshua is on the mend now, and we shall have a happy Christmas as a family this year with our worries behind us.
I have been reading to Joshua while he's here from a book that the hospital's library has. It has several cute Christmas tales in it, including Jesus' arrival into the world, one about a young child in Mexico trying to give flowers (weeds) to Jesus and they turned into Pointsettas, another about elves helping a young poor shoemaker feed his family, the Nutcracker tale, and one by Louisa May Alcott about a poor servant girl who finally received presents from her uncle's family where she served. That's all the further we've gotten, but they are cute, and Joshua seems to like it.
Thanks for all the prayers. We look forward to giving more good reports! Blessings and love to you!
Saturday, December 2, 2006
An Extremely Painful Morning

Friday, December 1, 2006
Joshua is doing well! Praise the Lord!

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Yes, Jesus Loves Me!

Earlier today, Joshua went to the doctor's for his RSV vaccine. He now weighs 9 lbs 9 oz! I remember calling our pastors to pray for Joshua in the N.I.C.U. when he was 3 lbs 2 oz and unable to digest anything. That prayer was answered by our almighty Father, and I'm sure this one will be too. 

I read from 2 Corinthians 12 in the Message where Paul is talking about God's strength in our weakness, and three times the Lord told him, "My grace is enough, it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness." There is nothing more I can do to help little Joshua. How I wish that I could have this surgery for him so he wouldn't have to go through it! But, where I am weak and helpless, that's when God's strength takes over. And, He's got more power and authority to do a complete healing and miracle, so I'm glad He's in charge!
Please pray for Joshua tomorrow and through this upcoming week. Much love and blessings to you!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
On the road again

Today, my mom drove Joshua and I down to CHOP for his bloodwork so that Shawn didn't have to take another day off work. All that driving, and he was literally in there for all of five minutes. He cried as they took an entire tube of blood to run all sorts of tests. No one was available for me to talk to or ask questions - I'm glad that they are a great hospital, but I've been a little disappointed in their service overall. But, service doesn't matter - Joshua is what matters. Please keep him in your prayers. Tomorrow he gets another vaccine for RSV and then Friday's the big day!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
My Buddy & Me

Monday, November 27, 2006
The Tale of the Yellow Sleeper


I also wanted to mention that we've been noticing more and more that he is starting to smile. He hasn't really smiled at us 'on cue' quite yet. But, Shawn and I are both looking forward to it. In these pictures, Joshua is posing on our bed wearing a nightgown that my friend Kristen gave to us from Baby B'gosh. I like it because his little hands are covered. He's a beautiful baby!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Green Bean on Black Friday

This morning I got up early again (Shawn let me sleep while he and Joshua had some quality father-son time) and continued the holiday traditions by heading over to my sister's house to bake cookies. I helped my nieces do sugar cookie cut-outs, and we also made pecan

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!

We all have so much to be thankful for!!! We are than

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Family and Friends :)
Last night Aunt Missy and Uncle Kevin came to visit us. It was nice to see them! Their new puppy looks awfully cute! I'm sure when Joshua gets old enough, he will love to play with him and Baby Girl! Today Nonnie and Grandma Stoltzfus came to see us. We had a very nice visit. We love to see our family and friends! I keep forgetting to take pictures when Joshua firsts meets people - I'll have to get better at that as a mom.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
What a BIG Boy!

Joshua weighs 8 lbs 6 oz and is 20.75 inches long!
We went to the doctor's office today, and the poor little guy had to get three shots! I felt so bad! He came home and promptly messed his pants up his diaper onto his back all over his onesy. I think he's having a rough day. I changed him into this outfit, which is brand new from Grandma. We're excited at how much he is growing!
I love my room!

For the past two nights, dear Joshua has spent the entire night in his bedroom. I think it was harder for me than it was for him. While I couldn't lay down with him in bed to get him to sleep (thus, the process of getting him to rest was longer, especially for me) he seemed to get up a little less throughout the night. We all enjoy the nursery - it's a bright and happy room with froggies saying "hippoty hop."
Monday, November 20, 2006
Looking Forward to the Holidays
Are You Ready for Some Football!?!

On Sunday, Shawn was extremely tired from helping with the baby overnight - we take turns on the weekends. However, being in the fantasy football league with friends, he tries not to miss the games no matter how severe his exhaustion (thanks to replay TV). Joshua is wearing his football outfit, and letting you know that his daddy is #1 in the league. I am amazed how much our son resembles Shawn. He is gorgeous!
Joshua Turned Two Months Old November 18

I can't believe Joshua is two months old already! Saturday, November 18, was his two month birthday. If he would have been born on my original due date, today he would have been three weeks old. I can't believe how quickly time flies. I'm officially a stay-at-home mom, taking care of our precious son. I've decided to read him a book of the Bible each day out of the Message, since it's modern-day language. Today I read him the book of Jude, in honor of our friend's son. We also had a visit from my former co-worker, Kelley, who brought with her a delicious lunch. It was great fun to see her!
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