The Tale of the Yellow Sleeper
Yesterday, Joshua took a long nap in the early evening, so I finished decorating our Christmas tree while Shawn celebrated Thanksgiving with Nonnie and Poppy (we stayed home since several folks had a cold). After the baby awoke, I started feeding him and thought to myself, Joshua feels wet. Then it dawned on me - to feel that he was wet meant that I, too, was wet. I lifted up my precious son who was scarfing down his bottle and was horrified to find that m
y jeans were soaked through where he had been laying. We immediately both got changed, and then he finished eating. It was ironic that he was wearing a yellow sleeper for this episode. I must admit that this was our third outfit of the day...he had spit up on me and himself before that. But, he's so's worth it.I also wanted to mention that we've been noticing more and more that he is starting to smile. He hasn't really smiled at us 'on cue' quite yet. But, Shawn and I are both looking forward to it. In these pictures, Joshua is posing on our bed wearing a nightgown that my friend Kristen gave to us from Baby B'gosh. I like it because his little hands are covered. He's a beautiful baby!
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