O, Come Let Us Adore Him
I realize that I haven't posted much this week. On Tuesday, we took Joshua to the doctor who asked us what exactly he should be looking at related to the surgery...it was kind of a waste in some respects. However, he said to give tylenol to him as often as he seems to be in pain because this is one of the sorest places to have surgery. Also, the scale there had Joshua at 9 lbs 10 oz, which is probably more accurate post-surgery. On Wednesday, Nonie and Aunt Hilary came to see Joshua, and we noticed that the baby likes to raise an eyebrow. He can do it with both sides, which is soooo cute! On Friday, I listened to Dr. Adzick and removed the dressings from the baby's wound. He cried, I felt like crying, but in the end it all worked out. That evening, Grandma came over to watch Joshua again so that Shawn and I could do a little more Christmas shopping (it feels like we may never finish!). We ran into a bunch of kids from youth group at the mall, which was fun. The one kid told us that his lung had collapsed from him being so tall and so skinny and that he had had a chest tube like Joshua's. He said it still hurts to this day, which was surprising to me.
This weekend, we have been blessed by Aunt Erica staying with us. She helped put up our greens and red bows out front, which looks great! (Thanks, Nanny Jo!) Joshua gave her a great big smile. Yesterday
I got my hair cut (thanks, Grandpa Georgia, for the gift certificate for Christmas!). Then last night, Shawn let me sleep while he watched the baby. It was sheer heaven! This morning, I was able to go to church since he didn't have to be there. It's always nice to worship with other believers. I had written a long letter to Dr. Adzick concerning our issues with Joshua's stay at CHOP. He tr
ied calling me from home while I was at church. I'm looking forward to speaking with him, and my respect level for him has been heightened by his responding. This afternoon I plan on visiting with Aunt Erica (and Shawn, of course), giving Joshua a sponge bath, and continuing to address Christmas cards. Please let me know what you have been up to! I love seeing posts to the blog and emails - it makes my day.
We want to see a picture of your haircut!!
Sexy awesome hair, sister! Love it!
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