Friday, February 15, 2013

Meeting the Berenstain Bears

On Tuesday, February 12, I took the older two boys to "Snorey Time" at the Manheim Township Public Library. There was a sponsored event with the Berenstein Bears (only Brother and Sister) and the woman who usually reads to the kids read the story about "The Trouble With Money." Unfortunately, we didn't get great seats. We were there early enough but decided to take the time to hang up our coats and when the doors opened people rushed in and with the adults that sat in the front rows with their children, my little buddies couldn't see the characters too well. It ended up being okay, but not fantastic. I think the kids had more fun picking out books to take home with us at the end than the actual story time. But, I did think the picture of Caleb with Sister Bear above was adorable (Joshua didn't want to get his picture taken, and I didn't force the issue since I was also ready to go).
At the end of the story time, they had coloring pages we could take along. We also went and I let the boys pick a ton of books that we could read together at home. Oddly enough, I had just went to the church library that morning with Ryan and done the same thing, along with two new Veggie Tales videos to borrow. So, we have LOTS of reading to do! Good thing they typically enjoy it!
One great book we read from the church library is called "The Fruit of the Spirit is Jesus in Me!" by Dandi Daley Mackall. I LOVED it! I would highly recommend it to other mamas with kids. It was cute, informative and great for the kids ages. :) :) :)

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