I can't believe Ryan is already four weeks old! My boys have been really good sports about how much in a fog we as parents are from lack of sleep. Even though Shawn's not getting up throughout the night with Ryan, he still hears him and is getting to bed later than normal. He also sometimes moves to the couch when I bring Ryan to bed with me. While I know co-sleeping isn't a fantastic idea, right now we have to do what we have to do to survive. Some nights he does well; other nights aren't so hot.
I LOVED the photo below... Ryan is going to have two big protectors!
The older boys have recently watched the movie "A Bug's Life" and loved it. So, we got out the Cootie bug game over the weekend and played it with the boys. They had a blast with their little bugs! We also played with the potato heads and read a bunch of books as we organized them. In fact, we've played with lots of our toys, trying to mix up what we've been playing with rather than the "same old things.'
I finally did some house cleaning this past weekend, too. I think this is the dirtiest our house has been since we moved in. But, with a "needy newborn" and two preschoolers, I guess I can't beat myself up too much. And it's fairly clean now. Praise God for long weekends!
Caleb started tracing letters this week, too, rather than just writing his own. He did great! Joshua also was sounding out the words on his letter tracing pages. He did well until he got to D-O-O-R. Why do we have words that make no sense when you're working on Phonics?
Anyway, I'm trying to be intentional about giving the older boys some quality time and positive attention as I also feed the baby round the clock. Little Ryan is never happy when I put him down, so I also have to balance holding him and letting him cry. I hate to hear him cry...which quickly turns into big tears and screaming, so I'm trying to hold him and have time that I'm giving more attention to the older boys, who deserve it. I'm so thankful that Joshua & Caleb play well together. In fact, yesterday they gave each other a big hug and said "you're my best friend." It melted my mama heart!
I thought the picture of Ryan & Caleb below was precious as well. Eventually you boys will also be friends! Joshua LOVES the baby, too, and Caleb just said that he wants his OWN baby to hold.
But alas, baby Ryan is mine for now until he gets bigger and stronger that the boys can give him more love.
Daddy has also been amazing at giving the older boys attention and time when he's home from work. They soak it up! I loved the photos of him & Joshua being silly together below. I love all the boys in my life! Thanks also to Mamaw for the big brother shirts. I thought these pictures turned out great (besides the kiddos enjoying their new outfits).
1 comment:
Love the pics! You got some great shots-both at home and the professional ones! :)
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