Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Skizzers: A New Do

This past weekend, Shawn & I agreed that the boys were in serious need of a hair cut. He took them to the back porch to cut their hair rather than the bathroom so there's less of a mess for me to clean up. While it's nice, it's great to cut their hair outside the house. I had to feed Ryan, so Shawn was solo with the two older kids. He started with the buzzer with Caleb, and Joshua thought he could start on his own hair awhile. After all, he has been a huge helper to us since the birth of the baby. He can reach things, and he understands what we're asking of him, etc. So, I know that his heart was in the right place when he grabbed the scissors. Before Shawn knew it, Joshua had taken a big chunk out of the top of his hair. I was up in the rocking chair when Joshua came up to me and said in a sweet little voice "Mommy, I promise never to start my own hair cut with scissors again." Then I saw it... his bald spot! Thankfully hair grows back, just like teeth. For the best view of his head, see the picture below. Oh, my silly boys! I appreciate you wanting to help, and I appreciate you leaving all cutting and scissors to us (unless you're working on a craft, and NOT your own hair!).

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