Wednesday, March 9, 2011


March is said to come in like a lion, and I'm not sure if that means growling and ravenous or that it sneaks up on you like the devil crouching at your door. Either way, I can't believe we're already in the second week!

Last Thursday, Joshua had an extended day at preschool. He was also "star helper of the day" that day, and his show & tell was supposed to be about things that start with the letter "U." I was struggling to think of things at first, but eventually I found a baseball card with part of an "umpire" on it, I found a picture of Joshua as a baby when he was crying in the NICU at the newborn picture taker and labeled it "upset/unhappy," I printed a picture of our extended family and labeled it "uncles," and I let him take in his new teddy bear with its fireman "uniform" and "underwear" on Bearemy. He also took in snack that day, which was cheese cubes and wheat thin crackers. I packed his little lunch, and he was so excited for preschool that day! [He enjoys it everyday, but he loves the opportunity to be 'star helper' and 'line leader.'] I've noticed that he talks more to the children in the hallway and says 'hi' to his friends and interacts than he used to. He's really coming out of his shell!

That day, Caleb & I met Nonie, Aunt Missy, Aunt Gayle, Grant & Jenavieve at Garfield's for lunch. We enjoyed visiting, and Caleb scarfed down his grilled cheese but left the seasoned fries behind. He did, however, highly enjoy the chocolate ice cream that came with his children's meal. He loves to pull on Aunt Missy's finger as she pretends that it 'hurts.' He laughs and laughs! The night before when Grandma Good was here, Daddy had given the boys some coins to put in their piggy banks. Caleb had picked up Joshua's an accidentally dropped it. It wasn't far from the counter top where the boys were sitting (at our breakfast bar) but it smashed, and Joshua was devastated. We cleaned up the mess and organized all the coins into their different piles of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. That day, somehow Caleb swindled 'monies' from Aunt Missy. Not sure exactly how it happened, but he was proudly holding onto some coins that he said he had received from his Aunt and grinning ear-to-ear.

Friday morning, we woke up and were having a really good day. The boys were giggling and having fun, and we read books and played catch the ball (either gently bouncing or rolling it back and forth) and even did some crafts. Then I asked them (since they were in good moods) if they would like to go shoe shopping. I called Grandma to see if she'd like to join us and she agreed. We went to Badorf Shoe Outlet in Rothsville and both boys stood nicely to get their feet measured. Joshua's hadn't grown at all in the last six months, so he stayed in his size 10.5 sneakers. Nice! Caleb, on the other hand, was measuring at a size 10!!! Yowza! For being two years younger, he's already almost the same shoe size. We have one pair of size 10 that are getting a little snug, but the 10.5 were just a little big on him. They didn't have any close-outs, unfortunately, in his size, and I hate to spend the retail prices on shoes that I know he won't wear for long. I bought a pair out of the used shoe bin (well, Grandma did, honestly) that were only $3 and looked all but brand new. They are washable and the same brand that Joshua's sneakers are (normally $40-$50 shoes). I brought them home and washed them and Caleb is now wearing them. Soon enough he'll be in a 10.5 anyway (the gal said probably within the next couple months). You can see Caleb's new shoes in the picture above - the boys wore matching outfits over the weekend. They are so close to the same size already!

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